


10 Email Copywriting Hacks for Your B2B Business

Email marketing is a highly effective marketing tool for B2B businesses. Despite social media and other channels gaining traction, email is still a quick and effective marketing method for B2B. Email marketing can be highly successful, as long as you develop a strategy that’s tailored to your audience. 

The key to successful email marketing campaigns is engaging, purpose-driven copy that resonates with your audience. However, establishing effective email copywriting can be challenging, especially for B2B businesses. The following are the top 10 email copywriting hacks that you should leverage at your B2B business to connect with buyers and boost conversion rates.

1. Fine Tune Your Company’s Buyer Persona

Understanding your target audience is a key aspect to successful email copywriting (and many marketing strategies, in general). Once you’ve fine-tuned your buyer persona, that ensures you can concentrate on your buyers’ needs, which narrows down the type of content you create. 

To craft the best copy for your email campaign, you’ll have to understand everything about your B2B business’s ideal prospects. This includes: 

  • Their fears, desires, needs, and aims. 
  • Their pain points, so you can present your business as a solution.
  • What their decision-making process looks like. 
  • Factors that have an impact on their business purchasing decisions. 
  • What they want and need in the short term, and their long-term goals are. 
  • The motivations that spur them into taking action. 
  • What type of language and colloquialisms they prefer. 
  • What kind of doubts they may have and how those doubts develop. 

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can set the tone of your email copy and tailor campaigns to match your buyers’ specific interests. Fine-tuning your buyer persona also sets into motion the rest of the hacks on this list. 

Need help with your email marketing strategy? Infinity Marketing Group specializes in running B2B email campaigns. Using time-tested methods, our team of email experts creates campaigns that grow your email list and increase conversions. Interested in learning more? Check out their Email Marketing Service now.

2. Understand the “Don’ts” of Email Copywriting 

email copywriting from laptopJust as there are a lot of things you should do in email copywriting, there are several things you shouldn’t do to be aware of. The hack here is to keep these “don’ts” in mind as you are crafting unique and engaging copy so you don’t overstep and end up losing your target audience. You can do almost anything with your copy, but be sure to understand a few general email copywriting rules: 

  • Don’t use your emails as a chance to attack competitors. Such behavior typically turns customers away and puts your integrity or reputation in question. You can compare your business to the competition, but do so in a way that focuses on the positive aspects of your business, and back up your claims with facts. 
  • Don’t be impolite in your messaging. You may use colloquialisms and an informal tone depending on your target audience, but make sure your copy stays polite, friendly, and professional. Don’t use arrogant or condescending language. 
  • Don’t make promises that seem too good to be true. The more profitable or exclusive your offer is, the more readers may be suspicious of it. Be realistic in your messaging and back things up with examples, proof, and client testimony. Remember you will need to deliver on your promises to retain customers.
  • Don’t use words that have negative connotations to them. On top of staying polite, make sure your language is positive and upbeat. Avoid words like “wrong” or “expensive.” Focus on the best aspects of the offer you’re making.
  • Don’t forget how busy your recipients are. People don’t have a ton of time to read emails, so keep your message short and sweet, and try to get your point across as concisely as possible. You can use tried-and-true email formulas such as BBB (brief-blunt-basic).

One of the most important “don’ts”: Don’t use every single tip you see about email copywriting in a single email or campaign (that includes the ones on this list). Carefully select the copywriting tricks you will use in your own copy; what’s successful will depend on your target audience, your products and services, and other factors. 

Many copywriting techniques can even be conflicting if they’re used all at once. Take the time to determine which tips are best for your situation.

3. Pay Close Attention to Your Word Choice 

As mentioned above, the language you use in your emails doesn’t just help you connect with your audience–it also has the power to turn them away, so choose your words carefully. Remember to keep a positive and peppy tone. Typically email campaigns position themselves as a supportive resource for the buyer, and simply aim to help solve whatever problem the buyer is facing. 

Using colloquial language or slang is an easy way to connect with readers. Keep in mind, however, that using slang in your emails can backfire, depending on your industry. Analyze whether colloquial language makes a negative impact on the performance of your email campaigns. If it does work well, use it moderately. 

A few other word choice hacks you can use in email copywriting include: influence through good email copywriting and power words

  • Power words. These words create a strong response from readers, emotionally and/or psychologically. They encourage readers to take action, help build trust that your business is an authority, and more. Enhance your copy with power words like “top secret,” “sneak peek,” “guarantee,” and others.
  • The “guide” technique. With certain phrases, such as “imagine,” “pay attention,” and “just think,” you’ll keep the reader’s attention more successfully. Unlike power words, these phrases don’t elicit a response but rather prolong attention and engagement. 
  • Using double verbs, such as “sign up and save,” “filter and find,” or “shop and discover”. A double-verb kick helps guide the reader on the direct actions they should take. 

4. Use Anchor Technique

With anchor techniques, all you need to do is put an “anchor” within your copy that is a starting point and guides the reader throughout the text, altering their perception along the way. Many email copywriters do this with numbers or prices:

  • At the beginning of the email, the copy offers a product that has a certain price point and provides a description that justifies the price. 
  • Later in the email, it’s explained that the product is half off but only for a limited time. 
  • The email ends by welcoming the reader to purchase the product before time runs out and the full price returns. 

The email recipient may be uninterested in the product at first, but their interest is piqued as they read on. You also don’t have to use numbers for this technique; you can use payment options, plan upgrades, shipping options, or subscription tiers as the anchor. Just make sure you use an anchor more than once in the body of the email. 

5. Personalize Your Content 

A great hack to boost the success of your email campaigns is to ensure you are personalizing the content you create. Personalization techniques, such as adding the recipient’s name in the subject line or within the text, put a human touch to the copy. You can also create special offers based on the organization’s past engagement habits with you. 

Personalization can improve the KPIs of your email campaigns. According to Monetate, sales increased 20% when marketers used personalization techniques in their copy. 

If you have the means to do so, personalization is especially successful with important, high-spending customers. The bigger the client is to your business, the more personalized the offer should be. They’ll continue to invest when they receive offers built exclusively on their wishes and needs. 

6. Ask Questions to Enhance Engagement 

ask questions in email marketing

Posing a question engages your readers in a personable, immediate manner. You open up a conversation and connect with them on a much more personal level. This is one of the reasons why surveys and polls continue to be effective methods to engage with buyers.

In your email copy, use open-ended questions that don’t just have “yes” or “no” answers to pull the reader in. Put questions in the subject line of your email so readers see it right away and are tempted to go through the entire email to find the answer or give their input. Asking questions also makes your readers feel as if you care about them, and provides the impression that they are making an individual impact on your business.

7. Leverage Buyer Emotions 

Another email copywriting hack is to tap into buyer’s emotions. Many people experience a fear of missing out on a great offer, or will be more likely to take action if they are made to feel special or important. 

Take another look at your buyer persona and what type of services your B2B business provides. Not every business can treat buyers like VIPs, but there are certain emotions that are already present in your buyers, and these are the emotions you should tap into.

There are several different tactics to use when it comes to leveraging buyer emotions: 

  • Creating an impression of exclusivity. One of the most useful strategies is to make your reader feel as if you are speaking only to them and providing one-of-a-kind offers that were built specifically for them. Products and services that are presented as exclusive seem generous and reinforce a more personable relationship. 
  • Using fear as a motivator. The fear of missing out is real. Showing customers exactly what they’ll miss out on if they pass up your offer can be a great motivator, as long as you present the idea carefully so that customers convince themselves that the offer is a necessity. 
  • Offering positive incentives. You don’t have to focus on FOMO to encourage action–there are positive emotions to tap into as well. Offer a sneak peek into something that’s up and coming, or a free trial. You can also point out ways that your B2B products and services give buyers a leg up on their competitors. 
  • Catering to your client’s desires, not just their needs. Desires, rather than needs, drive a lot of decision-making. Your buyers need some of your products, but other products, they simply want. In your email copy, cater to both the rational and the emotional decisions that your buyers may make.

8. Skillfully Motivate Your Subscribers to Take Action

Email copywriting often involves subtle motivations and some psychological tricks. Once you understand your buyer persona, you can employ these tricks, which will slowly encourage readers to take action on your offers. 

Much like leveraging emotions, it’s essential to understand what most likely will and won’t work with your subscribers. You can run A/B tests to see what kind of motivation your buyers respond to. Some common copywriting tricks you can try include: convince users to take action through email copywriting

  • Highlighting a key benefit and mentioning this benefit three times within the email copy. Describe the benefit at the beginning of your email, in the middle, and once again at the end.

  • Using phrases that add an extra aspect. Saying phrases such as “one last thing” and “even more”, then adding a little bit more of an incentive or information, can be the one thing that finally pushes the reader into action. Trying saying “One last thing, this is available for a limited time,” or “On top of all that, we’re offering 10% off.”
  • Describing small actions the reader can take to experience your products or services. This is especially helpful when your end goal requires a complex set of actions or large financial investment, as you slowly lead the customer to this complicated end goal. 

You can also try withholding some information in your emails. This trick works best for up-and-coming announcements or when new products are launched. Tease the reader throughout the email and reveal enough about your product or announcement to pique their interest. At the end, ask them to reply to the email for more details or sign up for a waiting list so they can be notified in the future. You can also include a CTA that says “Find out here!” to boost email click-through rates.

9. Deliver on Your Promises 

While this may seem like an obvious hack, it’s important to be mindful about the language you use in your email copy and whether your company can realistically deliver on the promises you are making. Don’t over-promise for the sake of increasing open rates or conversion, otherwise, you may risk the reputation of your business. 

Describe the benefits to your products and services in a compelling, believable manner. Providing short-term numbers or advantages is especially helpful here, as people are more likely to buy into something that will boost their business in the next several months or even weeks rather than over the course of a year.

Make sure you can deliver promises on time, as well. Set up email drip campaigns that automatically send content to subscribers at specific times so you can streamline this process. For example, a drip campaign can trigger an email that describes when a free trial will end and a paid subscription will begin. Or, it can provide an update on when the customer can expect their product to be delivered. 

In email copywriting, it’s also important to use clear, precise words that don’t leave room for any misunderstanding or doubt. Be exact with your word choice and avoid vaguely describing promises, benefits, or timelines. You want your emails to answer the reader’s questions before they come up–and there are specific questions that should be addressed. 

Want to put your email marketing campaigns in the hands of experts? Infinity Marketing Group creates effective purpose-driven email marketing campaigns for B2B tech and software companies. Learn more here.


10. Check Your Email Against These 5 Questions

Before you send your email off, make sure it contains all the information that recipients need to know. Check your email against these questions, and be sure that your subscribers can answer easily: man working on email copywriting

  1. Who is reaching out to them? Who is selling the product or making an offer?
  2. What exactly is being sold or offered? 
  3. Why should they go out of their way to buy a product from you or make an investment in your services? 
  4. How will they be able to learn more? A discovery call? A landing page on your website? 
  5. Why should they be able to take action now instead of waiting? What kind of benefit or imperative is there to acting quickly? 

Even from a brief glance, your subscribers should be able to answer all of the answers above; the main point of email copywriting is to deliver information in a concise way. Readers likely will scroll or skip through the email, so the information you present should be short and clear. 

The two hardest questions are why they should go out of their way, and why buy now. These are the biggest pushes your compelling email copy should make–after all, nearly every email is selling something. Describing quickly and concisely why buyers should invest in your business specifically, and as soon as possible, is the key to standing out.

Leverage These Email Copywriting Hacks And More

Establishing successful email marketing campaigns isn’t easy, but it begins with strong and compelling email copywriting. Once you fine-tune your buyer persona, as well as the tone and language that your buyers resonate with, you can move on to incorporating the hacks on this list that are the most fitting for your business. 

When you meet buyer needs, provide solutions to their pain points, and skillfully motivate them to take action, your emails connect and engage your target audience. Want to learn more about email copywriting, or how to create a successful email marketing strategy? Infinity Marketing Group can help you personalize your emails and target customers to boost your ROI.

J.C. Granger10 Email Copywriting Hacks for Your B2B Business

B2B Marketing Trends to Leverage in 2021

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 was a tumultuous year for many businesses. B2B companies that thrived during this challenging time often were able to do so by implementing unique digital and technology-driven marketing strategies. These strategies allowed businesses to stay connected with a broad audience, and are continuing to take the lead in 2021.

From creating a podcast that furthers your brand to using artificial intelligence, the following are the top B2B marketing strategies to implement into your marketing efforts. Marketing is changing more than ever before, and staying on top of these latest trends helps you execute strategic decisions as you stay ahead of your competitors. 

Why Following B2B Marketing Trends Matters 

Although some of the trends on this list have already been making a steady upward rise over the last several years, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated many marketing changes. Traditional marketing strategies, such as cold calling and large-scale email blast campaigns, were already taking a backseat and in 2020 fell even more out of favor with consumers. 

On top of this, with more consumers relying on e-commerce, digital strategies and tools are more important than ever to capture the attention of your target audience. Due to this, adapting current trends and understanding today’s top strategies are a necessity for B2B businesses. Identifying trends helps your business stay on top of the competition as you enhance your marketing strategies. 

For example, two of the trends that are anticipated to continue into 2021 and beyond are the use of artificial intelligence to enhance customer experience, and the use of social media to connect with a worldwide audience. After the pandemic, nearly every industry will experience a lot of change and it’s essential, more than ever, to stay on top of the marketing trends that are impacting B2B organizations.

AI Tools 

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest B2B marketing trends because it allows B2B marketers to quickly decipher data and receive key insights on how well their marketing efforts are truly performing. Gathering this data and analyzing it for future improvement is one of the most important aspects to marketing success; AI reduces the effort and time required. 

Another important aspect to AI is that it provides essential insight on customers and how to fulfill their needs. This is especially useful for marketing efforts that are time-sensitive. Often in marketing, it’s all about delivering the right engagement to customers at the right time. B2B marketers use AI tools to save time, execute personalized campaigns at the right time, and resolve customers’ needs right away.  

Common AI Tools in B2B Marketing 

AI has especially impacted B2B businesses by providing engaging and automatic tools. These tools streamline routine tasks, gain better customer insight, and achieve faster analysis. 

This has led to a profound change in the way marketing efforts are conducted, as it frees up employees’ time to focus on other tasks and allows them to implement successful strategies. Routine tasks such as analysis and customer service can be accomplished through AI tools such as: AI and chatbots as b2b marketing strategies to utilize

  • Chatbots, which provide quicker replies, enhanced services, and 24/7 attention to customers. Customers are able to get fast, simple replies to their questions and have their needs attended to right away. 
  • Search engine results page (SERPs) analysis, which helps B2B marketers understand what their audience is looking for, especially in terms of content. AI analyzes SERPs quickly to provide guidance on improving SEO. This bit of insight helps companies scale up their content to rank in top spots on results pages. 
  • Predictive models that estimate the best email frequency and send time for each subscriber on an email list. This drives email engagement and achieves higher open rates. 
  • Algorithms that enhance traditional A/B tests to test more than two variables at once and quickly identify the top-performing factors on websites, emails, and more. 
  • Content tools that compare articles on the same topic to determine which content is necessary for a business’s website. These tools are also highly useful in identifying keywords to target. 
  • Ecommerce tools that analyze consumer behavior to predict which products people prefer, key topics that customers are concerned with, and more. 

Automation and Integration

B2B marketing strategies often involve the same repetitive actions, such as posting on social media and sending emails to a subscriber list. These marketing activities can be automated at almost every stage, from content creation to the analysis of how well an email campaign performed. Not only does automation make these tasks easier, but it can also improve customer experience overall. 

There are a variety of marketing automation tools available, including platforms and plugins, that make marketing outreach more efficient than it’s ever been before. Different marketing activities can also be seamlessly integrated into automation systems, which are used by almost half of B2B brands. 

Ideally, automation combines software with strategy to provide personalized content that helps convert leads. If you have a system in place to generate new leads, automation provides sophisticated tools for nurturing these leads into long-term customers. It’s an essential trend to leverage in 2021, as it streamlines marketing tasks and makes your strategies more efficiently executed. 

business automation tools for analytics and marketing

Automation Technologies B2B Organizations Use 

There’s a wide variety of automation software that B2B organizations use, but some of the most common ones include: 

  • Analytics tools such as dashboards and web analytics 
  • Content optimization 
  • Content collaboration and workflow 
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Customer relationship management systems (CRM)
  • Email marketing software 
  • Social media publishing and analytics 

Email Personalization 

Email is still a strong channel for B2B marketing. One of the best ways to leverage email marketing for your business is to create engaging, personalized content that grabs attention and generates higher open rates; the more your emails are opened, the more effective they are for generating revenue.

Email personalization has been shown to increase open rates; even personalizing a subject line can boost open rates by over 25%. With tailor-made, highly relevant content that is sent at the right time to the right person, you can leverage your email subscriber list as much as possible. 

The point of personalization is to make people feel as if your brand is speaking to them, and to them only. Achieving this personalization for the hundreds of subscribers on your email list is where automation and AI tools come in. Many tools on the market simplify segmentation, messaging, and outreach. 

This means personalization is easier and more quickly accomplished than ever, and the days of email blasting with low open rates are over. Now, companies can better measure the performance of their email campaigns and establish a trustworthy connection with their audiences.

How to Personalize Marketing Emails 

You can personalize email campaigns by trying out some of these strategies: 

  • Segmenting your subscriber list and sending specific emails to a certain number of people instead of everyone. Segmenting can be based on a variety of factors, including demographic data such as age and location, as well as purchase history. 
  • Crafting engaging email subject lines that connect with your reader’s specific interests or preferences. Subject lines are the key to getting your emails opened in the first place. 
  • Including the subscriber’s name in the subject line or email content. 
  • Determining the best time of day to send emails to segments of your audience. In most cases for B2B, emails should be sent during typical business hours. 

Need help creating an email marketing strategy? Infinity Marketing Group specializes in running B2B email campaigns. Using time-tested methods, our team of email experts creates campaigns that grow your email list and increase conversions. Interested in learning more? Check out their Email Marketing Service now.


Although podcasting may not be at the forefront of a lot of marketer’s minds, especially in B2B, podcasting is emerging as an effective way to connect with your audience. In fact, podcasts are one of the biggest marketing trends, as they provide an opportunity to create even more content and engage with customers on yet another level. podcasting as b2b marketing strategy

If you’re looking to connect with auditory audiences who are constantly on the move, podcasts are a great option to take your content on the go and make deeper connections with a broader audience. Podcasts also tend to be more informal and present a different type of engagement, so some people may be more receptive toward listening to your podcast rather than more traditional marketing efforts. 

The popularity of podcasting, in general, has been on the rise; there are currently 850,000 active podcasts and almost ⅓ of Americans listen to podcasts at least once a month. Although podcasts have been around for a while, the upward trend makes this an excellent time to create auditory content. 

To add podcasting to your B2B marketing efforts, you can: 

  • Produce your own podcast. 
  • Network with podcast hosts to become a featured guest on other shows. 
  • Invest in advertisements that will air during podcast shows to promote your brand.
  • Connect with a podcast booking service that will help match you to podcast opportunities. 

Using LinkedIn for B2B Marketing 

LinkedIn is one of the few social media platforms that was designed for professional networking and made for both individuals and businesses. It’s one of the best channels available for social media marketing and lead nurturing, so it’s an important B2B marketing trend to stay on top of. 

Many businesses use LinkedIn to generate leads, post content and grow connections within their industry. With millions of members, LinkedIn is an ideal place for B2B marketers. Its relevance especially grew in 2020 due to the pandemic, when in-person events were replaced with webinars and online networking events.  

Since the pandemic accelerated a few changes that were already in the making, LinkedIn is likely going to stay strong as a networking platform. With more people working from home and more professional online events than before, LinkedIn will continue to experience an increase in users and content creation, all with the central purpose of connecting professionals from around the world. 

There are two tools that especially help B2B businesses leverage their presence on LinkedIn: LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator, and the platform’s Publishing tool. 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

LinkedIn uniquely provides its LinkedIn Sales Navigator, a version of the platform that goes beyond what their Premium version offers, as it was designed specifically for sales professionals. The Sales Navigator makes it easier than ever for B2B marketers to organically discover and nurture leads. On top of that, LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides you with benefits such as connections to out-of-network professionals, sales insights, and advanced searches. 

LinkedIn Publishing

LinkedIn has its own publishing tool that further expands your connection with customers and increases your brand’s authority. By publishing professional content that adds value for your audience, you can enhance your company’s professional identity and outreach on the platform. LinkedIn Publishing is one of the often-forgotten tools to LinkedIn that can be invaluable to B2B marketers who are looking for further ways to expand their marketing efforts. 

Immersive Digital Experiences 

Immersive and interactive tools for business marketing

More than ever, businesses need to prioritize digital environments and offer the modern customer experience that all buyers will be looking for. Even in the B2B market, buyers demand convenience, speed, efficiency, and technology that is up-to-date. They want to resolve their needs as soon as possible, whether they’re searching for content, a key piece of information, or a specific product. 

Your B2B marketing strategies need to provide an engaging, interactive customer experience that delivers quickly. This focus on speed and digital efficiency is largely influenced by demographics; most B2B buyers are millennials. Digital interaction is a large part of their purchasing habits and lifestyles. 

Because of this demographic influence, B2B businesses need to: 

  • Go beyond traditional marketing strategies like email and webinars. Instead, incorporate interactive elements into your marketing campaigns to capture your millennial audience’s attention. Use elements such as breakout sessions, polls, games, and surveys. 
  • Employ fast protocols to resolve problems such as customer experience or issues with certain products.  
  • Quickly address negative reviews or commentary on review platforms such as social media. A negative online presence leads to fewer leads and may damage your business’s reputation. Successful companies acknowledge comments on social media and respond to both positive and negative reviews. 
  • Ensure that websites and applications are mobile-friendly and provide a positive user experience. It also shouldn’t be difficult to find information about your company online. If it takes too long to find information or your website takes too long to load, a frustrated B2B buyer will turn elsewhere. 

B2C companies have dealt with many of these aspects for years. However, a positive and engaging digital experience is becoming more important for B2B brands as well. 

Repurposing Content

Another trend that many B2B companies are taking on is repurposing long-form content. Evergreen content, guides, and in-depth articles are ideal pieces that can be repurposed for continuous optimization.

While many businesses have made small adjustments to their long-form content so it continues to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs), you can also break that content into smaller parts and post the re-organized content on marketing channels other than your website. Some of the best examples are repurposing content for LinkedIn and social media posts. 

b2b marketing strategy - repurpose content

To repurpose content, you can: 

  • Split the long-form content into a series of posts. 
  • Take key points of an initial in-depth article and turn them into a poll or survey. 
  • Create an infographic to present the main information of the piece in a fresh way. 

By utilizing your different distribution channels, you can take the content that is foundational for your brand and repurpose it so even more people are able to see or interact with the information. This is a great strategy that gets more eyes on valuable content. Just keep in mind that repurposing is most ideal for content that is considered to be evergreen. 

Leverage B2B Marketing Strategies for Your Business

As technology advances each year and consumers change their spending habits, it’s essential to stay on top of the latest marketing trends so your business remains a leader in your industry. The 2020 pandemic especially made an impact on purchasing habits and in some cases enhanced changes that were already set into motion. Staying on top of emerging trends and keeping a creative, open mind will help you establish a successful B2B marketing strategy. 

While you can try out each of the trends listed above one at a time, they work best in tandem with your overall marketing plan. When you use every tool at your disposal, you can stay ahead of the competition. 2021 will be full of experimentation and change, but implementing this year’s trends will help focus your business’s marketing efforts. 

Want to learn more about B2B marketing trends and how you can leverage them for your business? Infinity Marketing Group specializes in B2B marketing and can help you establish a successful marketing strategy that incorporates these newest trends to convert leads. 

J.C. GrangerB2B Marketing Trends to Leverage in 2021

Is Cold Email Legal? The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

Let’s talk about what cold email marketing is — it is a resource to use to communicate with a list of prospects. It’s a main way of communication that feels less intrusive than the cold marketing phone call. It’s a powerful marketing service when done correctly.

If you consider email marketing as a public relations tactic, you need to understand the rules and regulations that can turn your innocent approach into a legal nightmare. The CAN – SPAM Act is a law in the United States that regulates commercial e-mail. It does not prohibit anyone from buying or selling your email address, but it does prohibit you from sending out bulk unsolicited e-mail. When done properly, cold emailing is not SPAM.

Sending cold emails can be a very lucrative part of your leads strategy as long as you abide by the rules. It is a very effective sales outreach channel and yes, cold email marketing is legal if you’re reaching out to business contacts.

Unsolicited emails can be sent through corporate subscribers as long as the email content is relevant to their business. Those need to be B2B emails need to meet certain requirements.

What are the requirements?

Be careful targeting your prospects. Your business should be logically connected with the business activity you are reaching out to. Make sure in your email, you contain information that allows for the recipient to unsubscribe or be removed or changed from your send list at any point.

B2B cold email communication is legal as long as you simply opt-out and your personal information is subject to the same privacy laws as your email address and other personal information such as telephone number.

Want to grow your business with cold email marketing campaigns? Reach out to the experts at Infinity Marketing Group. Reach them at info@infinitymgroup.com or by calling (303) 834-7344.

Keys to Cold Email Marketing Success


Carefully segmenting your email lists by creating lists of recipients that have replied, those that have opened your email more than once, and those that have clicked on a link.

It is recommended that you remove your prospects that have not opened your email after 30 days. Segmenting audiences helps you identify those that are interested in your services and allows you to further personalize your message as you move your customers further down the funnel. This leaves a better impression on your recipients and ultimately, protects your domain. 

You’re always limited to how many emails your client will allow you to send while taking into consideration that your email could potentially be blocked. The key to sending an email to a list is to make it sound more like a personalized, professional email. 

Personalize your messages. The more you can segment your lists, knowing your audience the more you can personalize your messages by business, past behaviors, or a connection you may have to that person or company.

Testing, Testing, Testingis-cold-email-legal-InfinityMarketingGroup

In order to send your emails at their best potential and have peace of mind that your emails are giving you the most out of your return. Make small changes to your email and keep track of those under and over-performing strategies. As you notice trends and responses to various email techniques such as color, verbiage, and tone you will discover better engagement results in your email campaigns.

Experiment with such things as your subject line, length of your email, personalization and your call to action. A/B testing emails helps clearly identify which unique approach works for your prospect base. Make adjustments based on your results and remember, consider small changes to ensure a clear winner in your testing strategy. 


Consider how many emails will make your campaign, what your emails may look and sound like and always consider personalizing your email. Keep your email engaging. Offer your recipients something of value. Build credibility, identify a reason for emailing, and streamline your emails through a series.

Streamline your cold email process. Rank your leads, send follow-up emails to the top generated leads. Ditch the emails that haven’t responded and follow up with those that have opened or reacted to your email by building your credibility, giving those recipients something of value and delivering a strong call to action.


Ensure your signature line is coming from a specific salesperson and an easy way to get in touch with them. Consider eye-catching subject lines, and using first name and company names where applicable. With a name and company name, you’re more likely to end in email inboxes. Do not overcomplicate your message.

How Do You Send A Cold Email?

There are several email service providers that specialize in sending cold email messages. Keep in mind that these messages will need to be scaled down into smaller batches and can potentially send hundreds of emails out per day without spamming anyone. 

Infinity Marketing Group offers full-service cold email campaigns to B2B tech companies. Email info@infinitymgroup.com or call (303) 834-7344 for more information.

Email Tipsis-cold-email-legal-tips-www.infinitymgroup.com

Tailor your messages to your ideal recipients.  Writing an email is a craft, be convincing and interesting. State your purpose with clarity. Write your message in a friendly voice and introduce yourself, be clear and direct. Offer a value-added incentive. Be careful of your verbiage, don’t come off as too sales-y and avoid using common spam words.  Treat your first email as an ice breaker. A fantastic cold email is one that creates a connection between the sender (The Company) and the recipient. Concentrate on the key items you can offer the recipient versus what you want them to do for you.

Establish yourself as a credible source of information. Remember, you’re an authority on the matter, so communicate effectively and confidently. Hit quick, key points on your reputation and successes, don’t be afraid to brag. Be confident and proactive.  Send a simple invitation to connect, create time on your calendar.

Need a Cold Email Marketing Expert? 

Cold email is legal and can be incredibly effective. Remembering to follow the rules is the key to any successful campaign, especially when the consequences can be pricey in the number of fines that can accrue if sending cold emails isn’t executed properly. To successful campaigns, remember to be specific, sincere, and ask them to take an action.

The main benefit of all this is that you can send cold emails. To take advantage of this amazing marketing avenue, be sure you follow the guidelines set out in the bylaws. If you get it right, cold emails can be an effective way to generate warm leads. We always recommend looking for professional help, at Infinity Marketing Group, we can help you develop a successful cold email marketing strategy that will quickly find prospects. For more information, email us at info@infinitymgroup.com or call today at (303) 834-7344.

J.C. GrangerIs Cold Email Legal? The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

How to Use LinkedIn for B2B Lead Generation

Every entrepreneur knows how important it is to get leads through LinkedIn. What if we told you there was a way you can tap into networks of over 500 Million people to find your next customer? The power of LinkedIn for B2B lead generation is undeniable, but it’s often overlooked. 

Our experts break down LinkedIn’s capabilities and how you can leverage them to create a LinkedIn lead pipeline for your B2B business. 

Why is LinkedIn so effective for B2B lead generation?LinkedIn-for-B2B-Lead-Generation-www.infinitymgroup.com

A major focus of all B2B companies is lead generation. Reaching out and cultivating new business relationships isn’t easy. Even some of the most experienced sales experts struggle with this. Luckily, LinkedIn is a tool that’s helping B2B companies everywhere nourish and earn ROI from leads they’ve found on the platform. 

B2B lead generation is highly targeted. Because of this, LinkedIn has created a tool called Sales Navigator which allows B2B businesses to hyper-target prospects they’re interested in working with. 

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn was built to help industry professionals create working relationships. The platform went one step further, building LinkedIn Sales Navigator to help businesses make sales.  

Sales Navigator goes beyond the benefits of LinkedIn premium, allowing you to make more than just connections. More specifically, users are given expanded search filters, can access extended networks, and have algorithms that are personalized so they’re able to reach people who are more likely to become warm leads. 

A few benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator include: 

  • It can be used by one person or a team of salespeople 
  • Offered with a tiered pricing structure to fit your needs 
  • Allows you to maximize sales on LinkedIn!  

Infinity Marketing Group’s LinkedIn Lead Generation service delivers warm leads straight to your sales team? To learn more, reach out to us at info@infinitymgroup.com or call us at (303) 834-7344.

I Filtered Prospects Using Sales Navigator. Now What? 

We highly recommend using a CRM to help you and your sales team stay organized. Once you have a list of prospects, we recommend pursuing two avenues of authentic outreach. 

Creating a LinkedIn drip series is a great way to introduce yourself to prospects, show off your knowledge, and show off the range of services you can offer. This drip series should focus on building rapport. 

Consider created an email drip series as well. Since you have the email address of your prospects, reach them where they are most – via email. Similar to outreach on LinkedIn, remember that to make a sale, creating a relationship first is key! 

3 LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation Tips

When it comes to LinkedIn lead generation, no one gets it right the first time. Here are a few tips to help you get ahead of the game. 

1.) Optimize Your Profile


When you start LinkedIn lead generation efforts, don’t forget to update and optimize your own LinkedIn profile. After you send messages and emails to your first prospects, you better believe they’re going to check out your LinkedIn profile.  

After you’ve completed your own page, work with your team to update your LinkedIn Business page. The goal is to make the best first impression, so doing this ahead of time will help you make those B2B sales. 

2.) Be Authentic in Your Messaging

First and foremost, sell to others the way you like being sold to. Rather than leading with your sales pitch, offer your prospects a freebie. Maybe it’s a whitepaper or a link to your company’s latest podcast episode. Whatever it is, it’s critical that it provides value and that you ask for NOTHING in return. As the relationship develops, the services you offer can become a part of the conversation. 

3.) Test, Test, Test 

In your LinkedIn and email drip series’, be sure to split test your messaging. If your first message or email continues to get ignored, it’s time to try a new subject line or change up your introduction.  

When you get discouraged, remember that your competitors are actively selling on LinkedIn. Keep testing your messaging so that you get those leads versus your competition!  

Want Warm Leads Delivered to Your Sales Team? Linkedin-B2B-lead-generation-for-warm-leads

The LinkedIn platform has been built with lead generation in mind. By providing companies with tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn has solidified its place in the lead generation sphere for B2B companies. If you aren’t using LinkedIn to get leads, you should start now! 

Infinity Marketing Group provides a done-for-you B2B LinkedIn Lead Generation Service. If your sales team is ready for warm leads, our experts are here to provide them! For more information, email info@infinitymgroup.com or call 303-834-7344.

J.C. GrangerHow to Use LinkedIn for B2B Lead Generation

Create an Email Marketing Calendar to Maximize Conversions

All successful email marketing strategies have three things in common; they are consistent, know their audience, and communicate with them at the right time. To optimize your campaigns and generate the most ROI through email, finding the perfect combination of those three components is critical.

Finding this ideal balance can be difficult, especially when you have other marketing campaigns up and running. To keep your audience engaged, use an email marketing calendar to plan, organize, and schedule your email campaigns. To keep your strategy on track and ROI-focused, our experts have created a quick guide to creating an email marketing calendar. Integrating these elements into your calendar will skyrocket your campaigns!

What is an Email Marketing Calendar?

Before we dive into how you can create a successful email marketing calendar for your business, let’s address the big question: What is an email marketing calendar, and why should my company have one?

First and foremost, it’s worth the investment. Data shows that for every $1 your invest in email marketing, you can expect an average ROI of $42. That’s a statistic no B2B company should ignore.Email-Marketing-Calendar-for-B2B-Companies-www.infinitymgroup.com

Need another reason to invest more time and energy into creating an email marketing calendar?

You probably have a social media calendar, which you use to announce new features or product updates. Like social media marketing, email marketing requires planning. Rather than feeling rushed to create email content, why not plan ahead so that all of your marketing campaigns align?

Specifically, planning your email marketing campaigns will help you to:

  • Plan and execute a comprehensive marketing strategy that works smarter, not harder, across your marketing channels.
  • Make email marketing more transparent to your team, so planning and any prep can be done seamlessly to get the most from your email sends.
  • Set clear expectations, objectives, and goals for email marketing.
  • Track your open rates and other metrics, allowing you to refine and improve your email campaigns over time.

By creating an outlined long-term strategy, you’re enabling your teams to test, refine, and truly harness the potential of email marketing.

Need help creating an email marketing strategy? Infinity Marketing Group specializes in running B2B email campaigns. Using time-tested methods, our team of email experts creates campaigns that grow your email list and increase conversions. Interested in learning more? Check out their Email Marketing Service now.

Elements of Your Email Marketing Calendar To Consider

Consider all of the following aspects of each campaign to ensure the quality and efficiency of your email marketing calendar. The more details you include, the easier it will be for your team to execute a successful email marketing strategy.

1.) Who On Your Team is Responsible for Each Email?

Assigning responsibility is key when it comes to building out your email marketing calendar. Be sure to consider your team member’s areas of expertise, their other duties, and how they can best contribute to the content you want to share with your email list.

Having each email assigned to the proper person also creates accountability, which, at its root, drives successful and consistent email campaigns.

2.) Know Your Audience

When it comes to email marketing, many companies don’t fully consider who their email subscribers are. The fact is, your audience on Facebook MAY NOT be the same audience who has subscribed to your email list.

Consider creating a customer persona based on the email marketing campaigns you’ve run in the past. What was and was not successful with your subscribers? What email subject lines did they respond most to? Which Calls-to-Action received the most clicks?

Based on past behavior, you can plan which types of campaigns you should include in your email marketing calendar.

Tip: If you don’t have much email data, A/B test messaging for a few weeks. Learn what works and what doesn’t. Then, modify your email calendar from there. 

3.) Establish an Email Sending Frequency


When creating your email marketing calendar, be sure to consider the frequency of your email campaigns.

Questions to consider:

  • How many emails are too many?
  • How do you plan to engage your audience in different ways?
  • Which days and times best fit your audience and their schedules?

Emails typically perform best when sent between Tuesday – Thursday. Now, based on your audience and product, determine what email frequency will maximize conversions.

Want to put your email marketing campaigns in the hands of experts? Infinity Marketing Group creates effective purpose-driven email marketing campaigns for B2B tech and software companies. Learn more here.

5.) Identify The Creative Assets You Need for Each Campaign

Often, email campaigns require creatives to enhance their look-and-feel and support the Call-to-Action. This usually comes in the form of an edited graphic, or a branded video that’s embedded into the email.

Rather than having to compile these creatives at the last minute, use your email calendar to plan ahead. This way, your creative team knows what assets you need ahead of time.

We’ve all felt rushed in the past when it comes to email marketing – using your calendar to plan for creatives is a great way to streamline the email marketing process.

Tip: Don’t be afraid to repurpose graphics you’ve used on social media for email campaigns and vice-versa. 

6.) Set Deadlines

What does every strategic calendar need? Deadlines.

After creating your monthly email marketing calendar, set deadlines for the copywriting, any HTML design that’s required, and for the final delivery of email creatives that are needed.

These deadlines ensure that the email schedule you’ve created will stay on track.

7.) Record Your Campaign Results Within the Calendarmetrics-create-an-email-marketing-calendar-www.infinitymgroup.com

It’s critical to record the metrics for all of your email campaigns.

Be sure to record the:

  • Open Rate
  • Any A/B Testing You’ve Conducted & The Result
  • The Click-Through-Rate
  • ROI You Can Attribute to The Campaign

Put these metrics within the calendar as well. This will help you and your team determine which emails campaigns were the most successful, informing the next monthly calendar you create.

Ready to Maximize Conversions with Your Email Marketing Calendar?

By creating an email marketing calendar, your B2B business is setting itself up for measurable success. Not only will you see higher performance from your team, but increased engagement across the board from your email list.

Infinity Marketing Group manages email marketing campaigns for B2B tech companies. If you want to get the most out of your campaigns, Infinity’s team has the experience and knowledge to leverage your email list and help you increase ROI. Contact us at info@infinitymgroup.com or call today at (303) 834-7344

J.C. GrangerCreate an Email Marketing Calendar to Maximize Conversions

How to Create an Effective Email Drip Campaign

The main point of email marketing is to engage with customers and encourage them to take action, whether that’s buying a product from you or signing up for your company’s monthly newsletter. However, many customers feel overwhelmed by the number of emails they receive every day. Companies need to execute a successful email marketing strategy in order to constantly stay in their customers’ thoughts.  

To grow your business, you must strike a balance between finding new customers and maintaining a positive relationship with the ones you already have. An email drip campaign is one of the most effective marketing tools to accomplish this. These campaigns are sent out automatically with targeted messaging that is designed to consistently engage your customers so they keep interacting with your business. 

Definition of an Email Drip Campaign

Email drip campaigns are automated emails that are sent because of an established timeline or a specific trigger–a customer’s action or inaction. For example, these emails are triggered when someone signs up for a newsletter or are sent when someone puts items in their online cart but doesn’t follow through. Overall, the initial trigger action dictates which drip series is initiated.


Drip campaigns focus on delivering customers the exact information they need at a specific time. Each message pushes them further down your sales funnel. You’re growing and nurturing your leads–the same way that a garden is grown and nurtured through a drip water system, hence the “drip” name. This is a good opportunity to do some A/B testing on subject lines and other minor details to determine what performs best to your potential customers.

The term “email drip campaign” is also known as:

  • Drip campaigns 
  • Drip marketing 
  • Email drip series 
  • Automated email marketing campaigns 
  • Email drips

In the end, these are all the same thing. They essentially are pre-written, automatic marketing emails that keep customers engaged with your product or services. They move your customers toward a final point in the sales funnel such as a purchase. 

Drip Campaigns and Lead Nurturing 

Email drip campaigns are especially helpful when it comes to nurturing leads. These campaigns can help you convert warm leads into loyal, long-term customers as you cultivate relationships every step of the way throughout the customer journey. 

According to Marketo, lead nurturing is reacting to buyer behavior in real-time as you listen to their needs, adapt to those needs, and deliver personalized messaging that addresses the needs. If you stay in constant contact with your customers and provide them valuable content over time, you begin to build trust and become their “go-to.”

Typically, people are interested but are not ready to make a purchase right away; as many as 50% of potential customers feel this way. Drip campaigns are all about nurturing those warm leads so that they are led completely through your sales funnel and eventually complete a purchase.  

Want to turn email subscribers into clients? Infinity Market Group specializes in email marketing for SaaS companies. To learn more, contact their team today. 

How Email Drip Campaigns Make an Impact 

What sets email drips apart from other email marketing strategies is that they use triggers and timing to send automated messages. They also present a lower risk of customers unsubscribing or disengaging. The emails that are sent are ones that customers not only signed up for in the first place, but ones that they may even be expecting, such as a confirmation email after a purchase. 

Research has shown that email drip campaigns can provide as much as 18x more revenue for companies. Leads that are nurtured over a long time make almost twice as many purchases. On top of this, drip emails provide an increase in click rate

Examples of Email Drip Campaigns 

There are different types of emails you can integrate into your drip series. Take some time to experiment to discover which ones help you convert leads. Whether you’re introducing customers to your brand or keeping them engaged, always aim to provide targeted and relevant information.

Welcome Emails 


Welcome drips are your first introduction to brand-new subscribers, typically after creating an account or completing their first purchase. The first welcome letter has the highest open rate in any drip campaign, so make sure the first email makes an impact educating your customers about your brand and letting them know what to expect from your newsletters moving forward. 

Your welcome email can: 

  • Be simple sentences such as “Welcome to our community” or “Nice to meet you.” 
  • Promote content such as evergreen content or recent posts from your blog. 
  • Explain how people will benefit from your product. 
  • Give a more in-depth explanation about what you have to offer. 

A study by Experian showed that autoresponders such as welcome emails have an average open rate of 58.7%. If that welcome email is sent as soon as the customer signs up, that open rate increases to 88.3%.

Onboarding Emails 

Onboarding drip emails are typically used when customers sign up for a free trial. This type of email nurtures leads over time with what’s known as “targeted sells” to turn them into paying customers; they took that first big step and signed up, now it’s time to showcase how your services or product will continue to solve their problems. 

Use onboarding emails to highlight how you are different from your competitors or how paying for a premium subscription will unlock key features. Put one CTA in the email to drive readers toward completing a single action, which is to become a paying customer. At some point, you do need your users to make a purchase or sign up for the next level of services. 

Confirmation Emails 

Even after a sale is closed, an email drip campaign is still useful. Many companies set up an automatic “thank you” response that is sent out immediately after a customer completes a purchase. Not only does this reassure the customer that their payment did go through, but it aids in keeping them engaged with your brand. 

Use your confirmation drips to ask customers to provide a review for your services or product. It’s also a good time to get more information about the customer’s satisfaction or promote further features that you offer. If you want to try upselling, confirmation emails are an excellent place to do so. 

Abandoned Cart Emails 

Drip campaigns are highly effective when someone puts items in their online shopping cart but doesn’t follow through with the purchase. A simple “Still thinking things over?” autoresponder can prompt people to return and complete their purchase. Compelling abandoned cart emails remind people what they left behind and confirm that they’re still able to get the items. Some retailers even go so far as to offer a discount code. 

Abandoning online carts is more common than it may seem. An average rate of 74% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Your drip emails can compel people to return and make a purchase; abandoned cart emails have an average of a 46.1% open rate, and 72% of people who return do so within 24 hours. 

Re-Engagement Emails

You may see that some people have signed up for your emails, but they’re deleting them without even opening them, or they open them but don’t click on anything. These people were once interested, and for one reason or another, that interest has dropped off. This is when you use re-engagement emails to reignite interest in your brand and pull inactive prospects back in.

There are several strategies you can use to re-engage with customers: B2B-email-drip-campaigns-www.infinitymgroup.com

  • Recommendations. Many online retailers use recommendation drips to constantly engage with their audience. Whether it’s Netflix, Spotify, or Amazon, customers continually see “you might also like” or “similar products” suggestions that get them back on the website or app.  
  • Renewals that automatically alert people when their subscription is about to expire. Drip campaigns can be especially beneficial during the renewal process. 
  • Activity-based triggers. Some engagement emails can be sent based on either a lack of activity or increased on-site activity. For example, fitness apps send an automatic “We miss you!” email if someone hasn’t used the app in a while. Twitter sends an email if you are mentioned in a tweet to encourage you to log into the platform and respond. 

The point is to establish a basis of continuous engagement so you’re always in contact with your readers and at the forefront of their thoughts. 

The experts at Infinity Marketing Group create customized email drip campaigns which target your ideal client? Ready to increase conversions through email? Contact them today at info@infinitymgroup.com or by phone at (303) 834-7344. 

Advantages to Using an Email Drip Campaign 

Why use an email drip series over other types of email marketing? There are a few big advantages to using an email drip campaign for your business that may help you not only nurture leads, but also boost your overall revenue. 


One of the great things about email drip campaigns is that they’re set up to be sent out automatically. You don’t need to spend hours and hours creating, then sending, emails; the automation of drip campaigns does it all for you. This saves time that your team can spend on other creative tasks. 

Although you still need to test and monitor your drip campaigns, you don’t have to pay constant attention to them. You’ll be nurturing leads, educating your readers, and rewarding your loyal customers, all within a single email campaign. 


Segmenting your emails means that you send certain emails to a select group of customers. Different people will see different messaging based on their wants and needs. Tailoring your messaging in this way (either manually or through an algorithm) allows you to deliver personalized content that increases engagement. 

An email drip series will be set up to automatically send specific messages out to specific people. You’ll be able to separate your subscriber list into different funnels and give each one an appropriate approach that feels more personalized. Ultimately, this leads to a higher rate of conversion and less unsubscribes.

More Engagement 

Another main benefit to email drip campaigns is that they aid in boosting engagement with your customers. You consistently stay in contact with customers by providing relevant material, which keeps them interested–all with less legwork on your end. Through a drip campaign, you move leads through your funnel much more quickly and can shorten the sales cycle. Drip emails, versus regular email campaigns, can result in a 119% increase in click rate. 

This also helps to weed out the people who are simply unresponsive to your content. Over time, you’ll pinpoint which customers are worth the time and energy to contact, and which aren’t. On top of this, you’ll build trust and rapport with your audience because you’re giving them the information they need rather than a general email that was clearly for your entire subscriber list. 

Infinity Marketing Group offers SaaS companies email marketing services that increase engagement and ROI. Hire a trusted industry-expert today by calling (303) 834-7344 or emailing info@infinitymgroup.com.

Strategies to Keep Users Engaged with Your Brand 

When you’re ready to implement an email drip series, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. These will help to ensure that your drip campaign successfully connects with customers. 

Understand What Content Is Relevant B2B-email-drip-series-www.infinitymgroup.com

Drip emails work when the content is relevant to recipients. Relevancy depends on where the customer is within the sales funnel. If they have just become aware of your brand, they won’t like re-engagement emails with recommendations or upsells. Instead, they need basic introductory information that builds a foundation of loyalty and trust. 

Similarly, someone who has been using your brand for a while will engage more with drip emails that offer discounts or coupons. Or, they may click through emails that link to your blog or provide a comparison between you and a competitor. 

Take the time to understand your customer’s pain points and what they need. Then, adjust your messaging so that valuable content is sent at the right time. This will help strengthen your relationship with a customer and provide more successful conversions. 

Pay Attention to Email Frequency 

A rule of thumb in email marketing is that you don’t want to overdo it and end up annoying your customers by sending them too many emails. If your customers get annoyed, they’ll unsubscribe or otherwise disengage. 

1-2 emails per week has been found to be optimal for most businesses. Aim to find that sweet spot for your own company, that perfect amount of emails per week that bring you high open and click-through rates without causing people to unsubscribe. This will take some time, but email drip campaigns make it easy for you to determine this number since you send drip emails automatically. 

Remember, successful drip series depend on giving customers the information they need at the right time. It’s a delicate balance: you want to be there for your customer, but not be too overbearing. Give them space and make sure you’re at the top of their minds without putting too much pressure on them. 

Create Quality Email Content 

Successful drip campaigns do rely on quality email writing. Even though your drip emails will be automated, you should still put a lot of effort into crafting them. Some basic email writing tips include: 

  • Using compelling email subject lines. Even though your content is relevant, a compelling subject line can make or break your campaign’s success. After all, your drip won’t work if your emails aren’t opened in the first place. 
  • Including a call to action. A call to action (CTA) is a concise and direct message that encourages the customer to complete a specific action. Within your emails, include messages such as “Download now” or “Get your free trial today.” Your customer is directly led to the action you ultimately want them to complete. 
  • Personalize emails as much as possible. Address the customer by their first name, provide suggestions based on their past purchases, and focus on where they are in the sales funnel. Drip campaigns provide tailored messages so the receiver feels as if you have a solution made specifically for them. 

Utilize Other Marketing Channels 

Drip campaigns are the most successful when you use them in tandem with other marketing strategies. Pair your drip series with social media, blog posts, and paid ads to generate the most engagement possible with your customer across multiple channels. 

For example, add buttons to your social media channels at the bottom of your drip emails and ask your readers to follow you on Instagram. Or, set up a drip email that sends certain subscribers a link to your bi-monthly blog posts. When it all works together in tandem, you’re providing multiple opportunities for customers to easily engage with your brand. 

Test Your CampaignsA:b-testing-email-drip-series-www.infinitymgroup.com

Although you do not need to constantly monitor email drip campaigns and they do free up your time to focus on other tasks, you shouldn’t neglect them. Monitor your campaigns and optimize them so you connect with customers as much as possible. Even a simple change can boost open rates or sales conversions. 

If your engagement is less than ideal, you can pinpoint what you need to change in your strategy through A/B testing. A/B testing allows you to segment emails with small differences to see which email performs the best. For example, send one email with a specific subject line and another that’s exactly the same except it has a different subject line, then see which one provides the metrics you’re seeking. 

A/B testing shows that changing something as simple as your call to action, the timing of when your emails are sent out, or the subject line can make all the difference. Not only will you get the performance you’re searching for, but you’ll also fine-tune your understanding of what your customers respond to. 

Creating an Effective Email Drip Campaign for Your Business

An email drip series can improve your business’s success and provide the conversions you need as you nurture leads and deliver messaging at the perfect timing. To set up an email drip campaign: 

    1. Determine your target audience. What is their pain point, and what’s the solution you’re providing? Understanding your customers is the first step to establishing an email drip series. 
    2. Segment your email list. In order to be effective, your drip campaign should be linked to specific behaviors, or triggers. Certain emails should only go to certain customers when they complete a certain action, such as making a purchase or abandoning their cart. Other emails should be sent to long-term customers who have made multiple purchases or signed up for premium subscriptions. By segmenting, you’re able to personalize the customers’ experience leading to a more one-on-one engagement from customers.
    3. Plan your messaging and frequency. Which emails are you going to send, and when? Make sure your message lines up with the triggers that enact those emails. You also don’t want to annoy your customers by sending too many emails. It may take some trial and error to determine your successful frequency. 
  • Evaluate your campaign’s performance and make adjustments for improvement. You can send out drip campaigns through drip software products such as apps, or create your own custom software. Monitor the results and readjust your strategy accordingly to achieve even more success in the future. 

Over time, you can establish an effective email drip campaign that connects with your customers and boosts sales. Have more questions about email drip campaigns or email marketing in general? Infinity Marketing Group can help you target your emails so you nurture more leads and increase your ROI. Contact us today at info@infinitymgroup.com or by phone at (303) 834-7344. 

J.C. GrangerHow to Create an Effective Email Drip Campaign

20 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Industry Professionals

LinkedIn is the hub for B2B interactions. Why? Your ideal clients are using LinkedIn to vet their providers. If the company page or employee pages aren’t looking professional or updated, they’ll take their business elsewhere. For users, LinkedIn has quickly become an easy way to review prospective partners.

Your LinkedIn profile represents your brand, so view it as a client’s first impression. On LinkedIn, you have a short time to make an impression on prospective clients. If your profile doesn’t stand out, your sales opportunities decrease drastically.  

Our team of LinkedIn experts has compiled 20 LinkedIn profile tips for industry professionals. Whether you are starting from scratch or only need to make a few simple tweaks, our tips will keep prospective clients interested and wowed by you and your brand. 

LinkedIn Profile Tips for Individual Profiles

If you want to be viewed as an industry leader, integrating these LinkedIn profile tips will make you stand out to prospects. 

1.) Choose a Professional Profile Photo professional-head-shot-linkedin-profile-tips.www.infinitymgroup.com

The LinkedIn profile photo acts as a person’s first impression of you. LinkedIn is a professional network, meaning that your profile image should be a professional headshot.  

Be sure to adhere to these profile photo best practices when it comes to the LinkedIn platform: 

  • Make sure the image looks like you
  • Professional attire is a must
  • Make sure the image isn’t blurred or dark 
  • Smile! 

It’s estimated that a person makes roughly 35,000 choices per day. Don’t give prospective clients any reason not to click on your LinkedIn profile.  

2.) Add an Applicable Cover Photo 

The cover photo goes right behind your profile photo, meaning that it’s the second impression that you make on someone. Similar to the profile photo, be sure to keep the cover photo professional. 

Want your cover photo to make a lasting positive impression? 

Using Canva, you can create a custom LinkedIn cover image for all company employees. Not only can it show off your branding, but also your top services and website. This makes it easy for potential leads to find your information and tells them exactly what services you provide. 

3.) Write an Eye-Catching Headline 

Your LinkedIn headline can go beyond your job title, and it should!  There are no rules, so why not create something impactful that prospects remember? 

Use the headline to tell potential clients what problems you can solve for them. Consider adding in a personal detail – after all, you are human!   

Here are a few examples of dynamic headlines: 

Software engineer specializing in making payment processes easier for international businesses | Dog Dad & New Yorker 

I help tech startups prepare for VC funding rounds using AI | #LongDistanceRunner

Find more examples of excellent LinkedIn headlines here

Want experts to manage your LinkedIn profile and your lead generation efforts on the platform? Infinity Marketing Group’s LinkedIn lead generation is a done-for-you service providing businesses like yours with warm leads. 

4.) Get a Custom URL for Your LinkedIn Profile

When you sign up for LinkedIn, your profile URL is a string of numbers. You are not a string of numbers… 

Get a custom URL for your LinkedIn profile. It makes sharing your profile on the go much easier. It also helps you stand out, especially if you have a common last name. Most people use some variation of their first, middle, and last names. If you’re a founder or CEO, you can also add that into your URL.

For example, if your name is Jonathan Taylor Ryan, your URL could look like: 

  • /j.taylor.ryan 
  • /jonathan.t.ryan 
  • /j.t.ryan  

5.) Fill In Your About Section

The About section is a great place to introduce yourself and your brand. 

If someone clicks on your profile, it’s because they’re either interested in learning more about your company, or they want to learn more about you. View this part of the LinkedIn profile as a vital piece of personal and branded storytelling. There are three key elements that you should integrate into your About section so that your profile can attract prospective clients. 

First, genuinely introduce yourself. Be sure to mention what inspired you to start your business. 

Then, hook potential clients: talk about their pain-points and struggles.

Lastly, tell prospects how your company can solve their problems. Include any key metrics and client testimonials. Always end with a strong call to action, followed by your contact information. This way, people know how to reach you! 

6.) On Your Resume, Show Off Data-Driven Metricsresume-linkedin-profile-tips-www.infinitymgroup.com

On the typical resume, you put a job description under each role. Ten years ago, professionals could get away with that, but now, most industry professionals have impressive resumes, and across dozens of profiles, work experience all reads the same – monotonous

To make yours stand out, show off the literal impact you’ve made in your position.  

For example: 

Don’t say: Managed a team of 25 managers from 2010-2013. 

Do say: Managed a team of 25 managers across three states, and increase productivity by 40% over three years.  

Which has the most impact? 

The one that displays how YOU perfected an already existing system using data, or the one that shows how YOU disrupted an entire industry.

7.) Add Media & Links to Your Work Experience 

Once your resume has been updated to be data-driven, don’t just talk about what you do – show prospects what you do.

Under each “Experience” you input into LinkedIn, you’re able to upload documents and include links.  

Now, rather than just talking about how your business helps its clients, you can show them! Consider adding case studies, video testimonials, and links to any awards your business has won. 

With the ability to add in authority-boosting content, your Experience section becomes a selling point.

8.) Add Certifications & Licenses 

If you’re in a very niche business, showing off your academic and institutional credentials on LinkedIn can help build trust with potential clients.  

Many professionals have certifications that are industry standard. While it may seem redundant to show them off on LinkedIn, your clients will appreciate it. In engineering, for example, some certifications really matter! Rather than prospects wondering if you’re certified in X, they’ll know because you were intuitive enough to tell them. 

9.) Ask For Recommendations 


You probably have client testimonials for your brand. Why not ask for personal recommendations as well? 

Ask anyone you’ve worked closely with to leave you a recommendation on LinkedIn. You can even ask for specifics, such as: “Would you be willing to leave me a recommendation that speaks to the outstanding client experience that I’ve worked hard to establish at [Company]?” 

Recommendations on your LinkedIn profile demonstrate credibility – something that truly attracts leads when they’re looking at your profile.

The fact is, if someone recommends you, you’re probably a pleasure to work with! Prospects feel that when they see your profile full of recommendations from your peers.

10.) Write Engaging Content 

The LinkedIn profile can show off your personality and brand. You can use LinkedIn posts to write engaging, viral content that speaks directly to your target audience. 

Long-form LinkedIn posts are authority-building and position you and as a credible expert in your field. 

When you post content, remember to also ask your employees to engage with it – this increases the post’s overall reach so that more eyes are exposed to your great content. 

Having trouble finding a great content team? Infinity Marketing Group offers premier content writing and social media services for B2B companies.

LinkedIn Profile Tips for your Company Page

The opportunities for connection on LinkedIn are endless. Establishing, optimizing, and keeping your company page updated establishes your business as an industry leader. 

11.) Fully Fill Out Your Company Page


To optimize your Company page, you must fill out each section of the company profile.

Why? LinkedIn has shared that a full company profile reaches up to 3x more people! Being thorough and detailed on the Company page is an easy way to generate significant traffic.

Be sure your company page includes: 

  • Your official business address 
  • Your website
  • The size of your company 
  • Your industry
  • A few specifics on the services you offer

12.) Customize Your Business Page’s URL

Similar to when you create a personal profile, you’re assigned a generic URL for your business’ Company page as well. This simple customization makes it easier for prospects to find your business.

If available, try to make your LinkedIn Business page URL closely match the URL of your website.  

13.) Show Off Case Studies and Client Testimonials Using Showcase Pages

Through the Company page, LinkedIn allows you to create showcase pages. Use these pages to highlight your company’s recent achievements, case studies, and client testimonials.  

You can create up to ten showcase pages, so be selective and purposeful when creating them. It’s important to also keep them updated with new content. For example, create a “Client Testimonials” showcase page. As you collect testimonials from satisfied clients, upload them to this showcase page. 

14.) Ask Your Employees to Engage with Your Company Page

Strong employee engagement on LinkedIn shows prospects one important thing: that your employees are invested. Chances are, invested and dedicated employees provide excellent service, enticing prospects who are looking for a great experience. 

In the Career section of the LinkedIn page, write about your company’s culture. You can also invite your employees to write a piece of content about their work experience, cultivating client relationships, or a “day-in-the-life” at your company. 

Want a Pro to Help You With Your Personal LinkedIn Profile? As a part of their LinkedIn lead generation service, Infinity Marketing Group works with you to optimize your personal LinkedIn profile to maximize opportunities and attract prospects. Learn more about their done-for-you LinkedIn system.

General Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile 

Here are some other, more general but equally important, LinkedIn profile tips. 

15.) Use LinkedIn to Tell Your Story 

In marketing, storytelling is an invaluable tool you can use to motivate and inspire potential clients to take action. 

Think of LinkedIn as the binding that can share your brand’s story with the world. Rather than listing what you do for prospective clients, show them with your words. 

In your headline, summary, and in LinkedIn posts, discuss: 

  • Why you started your business, and what your moment of realization was. 
  • How you help businesses: share tidbits and personal stories

Through storytelling, you speak to more than what’s on your professional resume, and LinkedIn is the perfect platform for this type of narrative marketing.

16.) Know and Speak Directly to Your AudienceLinkedIn-Company-page-profile-tips-www.infinitymgroup.com

As we mentioned before, in the summary section, LinkedIn gives you an opportunity to talk to your audience directly.  

Keep prospects intrigued by creating great content that speaks directly to them. 

Topics can range from: 

  • Common pain-points experienced by your target audience 
  • Aspects of being a business owner: common struggles, plateaus, and decisions
  • New innovations that are helpful to your industry

17.) Avoid LinkedIn’s Identified Buzzwords 

Every few years, LinkedIn publishes a list of the most overused buzzwords. 

In 2017, these were the top buzzwords used in 2017: 

  • Specialize
  • Experienced
  • Skilled
  • Leadership
  • Passionate
  • Expert
  • Motivated
  • Creative
  • Strategic
  • Focused 

Chances are, you’re probably guilty of using a few of these on your personal profile or on your LinkedIn company page. To stand out from the crowd, we recommend getting creative with your buzzwords. 

Rather than listing your qualities, quantify them. 

For example, rather than saying, Expert programmer at XYZ. Say, Expert programmer at XYZ who has created $20 million in new business opportunities for my clients. 

Putting data alongside your buzzwords, if you have to use them, shows potential clients the impact you have rather than taking your word for it.  

LinkedIn Profile Tips: Using Your Profile to Make Sales

LinkedIn is an intuitive sales tool. Here are a few tips to consider integrating into your sales process if you want to leverage the power of LinkedIn.

18.) Subscribe to LinkedIn Sales NavigatorLinkedIn-for-sales-www.infinitymgroup.com

In its most basic form, LinkedIn is a platform that allows you to connect with your ideal prospects. What if you had enhanced search capabilities and could target prospects by location or job title? 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator allows you to get THIS specific. With algorithms built to help you discover the right people, this tool simplifies the sales process on LinkedIn. 

19.) Integrate Sales Navigator with Your Company’s CRM 

With Sales Navigator, your sales team will be identifying hundreds of potential leads. To keep track of where they are in the sales funnel, integrate Sales Navigator with your CRM. The tool integrates with platforms like: 

  • HubSpot 
  • Outreach 
  • Salesforce 
  • Oracle Sales Cloud 
  • Microsoft Dynamics 
  • & many more! 

20.) Begin Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Campaign 

Want to increase your connections and create sales opportunities for your business on LinkedIn? 

With a well-thought-out messaging campaign, use Sales Navigator, and InMail specifically, to begin reaching out to your prospects. Consider speaking to their pain points, providing free tips and tricks, and eventually, asking for a meeting.  

Ready to Grow Your Business On LinkedIn?  LinkedIn-profile-tips-for-B2B-business-www.infinitymgroup.com

Using these expert LinkedIn profile tips, grow your brand and business’ credibility on LinkedIn.  

From your personal profile to your Company page, LinkedIn is an extensive platform that all B2B businesses should be using to maximize their footprint and increase sales opportunities. 

Want to learn more about LinkedIn lead generation campaigns? Infinity Marketing Group‘s done-for-you service has provided hundreds of leads to their clients. Contact us today at info@infinitymgroup.com or (303) 834-7344 to discuss how we can increase warm leads for your sales team! 

J.C. Granger20 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Industry Professionals

LinkedIn Sales Navigator: What It Is & Using It to Grow Your Business

With the rise of social platforms, it’s become easier than ever for sales professionals to use their social network to organically find leads. LinkedIn is one of the most popular global platforms for professional networking, and it can be a highly effective place to discover new connections. You can use LinkedIn to manage your leads and drive sales.

To leverage the platform even further, there is a LinkedIn account type that was created specifically for sales professionals: the LinkedIn Sales Navigator. With Sales Navigator, you’ll get exclusive access to features such as being able to reach out to people who you don’t have a direct connection with and adding notes to your leads as you save them. Here’s a breakdown of the major benefits to Sales Navigator and how you can use it to grow your business.

What Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?Using-linkedin-sales-navigator-www.infinitymgroup.com

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is essentially a version of LinkedIn that was made for sales. It goes beyond the benefits that LinkedIn Premium offers and includes features that sales professionals specifically can benefit from as they pursue and manage leads. For example, Sales Navigator users have expanded search capabilities, can access extended networks, and have algorithms that are personalized to help them reach the right people.

Whether Sales Navigator is used by a team of sales representatives or a sales individual, the account provides even more ways to find leads and manage connections effectively. Millions of professionals already use LinkedIn to drive sales or find connections – Sales Navigator simply maximizes what LinkedIn is able to do.

Want to get the most out of LinkedIn Sales Navigator? Infinity Marketing Group’s LinkedIn lead generation system delivers warm leads directly to your sales team! Contact them now to learn more! 

Sales Navigator Pricing Tiers

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is offered in three subscription tiers: Enterprise, Team, and Professional. You can sign up for a free trial and then pay annually or monthly, although the monthly plan costs a little bit more. It may help to try out Sales Navigator on a monthly basis, then move on to an annual subscription if the account is helping you reach your sales goals.

The Enterprise plan:

  • Is recommended for larger sales teams of 10 people or more.
  • Requires a custom quote for cost per month or per year.
  • Allows access to 50 InMail messages each month and 10,000 saved leads.

The Team plan:

  • Is recommended for smaller sales teams.
  • Costs $103.33/month or $1,240.00 annually.
  • Allows access to 30 InMail messages each month and 5,000 saved leads.

The Professional plan:

  • Is recommended for individual sales professionals.
  • Costs $64.99/month or $799.88 annually.
  • Allows access to 20 InMail messages each month and 1,500 saved leads.

The best way to determine which subscription is right for your business is to consider your team’s size and professional sales goals. If you have a smaller team and don’t need thousands and thousands of leads, the Team or Professional tiers may be a better fit for you.

Grow your business on LinkedIn with Infinity Marketing Group. Their done-for-you LinkedIn marketing service drives warm leads directly to your sales team. Contact them at (303) 834-7344 or by email at info@infinitymgroup.com.

How Does LinkedIn Sales Navigator Work?

Sales Navigator provides users with features that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to access. For example, if you have the basic version of LinkedIn, you won’t be able to send direct messages to people with who you are not connected with. Sales Navigator allows sales representatives past this barrier by providing the ability to contact people who are outside of their network.

This allows sales reps to build relationships with a more expanded reach. The key to Sales Navigator is getting this expanded reach, as well as being able to come into contact with the most relevant leads. Sales Navigator helps sales professionals save time and also boosts efficiency.


InMail is one of Sales Navigator’s key features. With InMail, users can send a certain number of messages each month to out-of-network professionals.

On top of that, users can save these leads so nothing is lost, and add notes. Not only are more leads discovered, but it’s easier to manage and keep track of them. 

TeamLink and TeamLink Extend

Another key feature to Sales Navigator is TeamLink. With TeamLink, your entire team will be able to collaborate on prospective leads by: 

  • Being able to search and view first-degree connections that team members have. 
  • Representatives can then ask the team member for an introduction, which makes a sale more likely to be successful. 
  • By sharing prospective leads, the entire team’s network expands to encompass even more prospects than one individual sales rep would be able to access on their own. 

TeamLink Extend, which is available to Enterprise users, allows businesses to expand their TeamLink networks even more. You’ll be able to utilize your entire team’s LinkedIn network without having to give each individual a Sales Navigator license. 

Advanced Searches LinkedIn-Sales-Navigator-to-get-leads-www.infinitymgroup.com

Sales Navigator provides users the ability to conduct targeted searches that have more filters than LinkedIn’s typical search function. This helps sales professionals narrow down their leads and pursue connections that are truly relevant.

Filters can be used for individuals or for companies. They include: 

  • Keywords
  • Company type (non-profit, public, private)
  • Company name 
  • Size of an Company (0-10) (10-50) etc. 
  • Job opportunities 
  • Location (by state or region) 
  • Job title 
  • Years of experience 
  • Industry 
  • School 
  • Number of followers

This saves sales professionals a lot of time by targeting the best, most relevant leads. Professionals will be able to focus their energy on other tasks such as closing deals and managing relationships.

The Advantages of Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

There are a wide variety of benefits to Sales Navigator. This is why more and more sales professionals are subscribing and using the LinkedIn tool to their advantage. The biggest advantages are connecting out-of-network, being able to integrate with CRM, and the sales insights that Sales Navigator provides. 

Access to Connections That Are Out-Of-Network 

This is one of the major benefits to Sales Navigator: being able to establish a network outside the reach of your direct connections. There are more than half a billion people on LinkedIn. With Sales Navigator, you’ll have the ability to connect with more people and drive more leads. 

Sales Navigator ensures that people are not simply restricted to who they already know. With features such as InMail and Team Link, sales professionals gain access to a variety of leads that they otherwise would be closed off to. 

Integration with CRM Platforms 

Sales Navigator can be integrated with frequently used customer relationship management (CRM) platforms and other sales applications, such as: 

  • HubSpot 
  • Outreach 
  • Salesforce 
  • Oracle Sales Cloud 
  • Microsoft Dynamics

Sales Navigator users will be able to simply import their data into their CRM, making it easy to keep track of leads and manage pipelines all in a single location. The accounts you’re selling to and the leads you’ve saved can be automatically logged, so there’s no need to worry about lost data. 

Sales Insights 

The more you use Sales Navigator, the more data you’ll be able to gather. The platform provides valuable insights on updates within your network that might otherwise be easily missed. These updates include changes within companies, job changes for individuals, and warm leads. 

For example, you can get a heads-up that someone is about to leave or has just left their current company. Or, receive information that a company is moving locations. You can sign up for email alerts so you aren’t constantly plugged into Sales Navigator and can receive updates automatically. 

Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Grow Your Business using-linkedin-sales-navigator-to-grow-your-business-www.infinitymgroup.com

Millions of professionals around the world use LinkedIn to grow connections and find leads. Sales Navigator allows sales professionals to leverage LinkedIn for all it has to offer; it provides the opportunity to contact people outside of your direct network and conduct targeted searches that result in the most relevant leads. 

The Sales Navigator tool can help you grow your business by not only increasing your client connections, but also enhancing engagement.

Sales Navigator is a social selling platform connected to LinkedIn.  It is used to create customized, targeted lists of potential LinkedIn connections.  This gives clients the opportunity to build relationships with the right kind of prospects without the usual geographical restrictions.

Want to find out more about Sales Navigator and what it can do for you? Infinity Marketing Group helps you leverage LinkedIn to drive leads and grow your business. Contact us today at info@infinitymgroup.com or at (303) 834-7344 to increase warm leads for your sales team.

J.C. GrangerLinkedIn Sales Navigator: What It Is & Using It to Grow Your Business

Ten Tips for Creating & Optimizing Your LinkedIn Business Page

As the world’s biggest platform for professional networking, LinkedIn provides endless opportunities for connection. Millions of businesses are on the platform to attract talent and establish themselves as industry leaders. 

LinkedIn Company Pages allow these businesses to have their own profiles. Company pages can be accessed directly, appear in search engine results, and help highlight value. If you don’t have a page for your company already, you should, as it improves your authority and presence on the platform. Here are ten tips for creating and optimizing your LinkedIn business page. 

1.) Fill Out Your Page As Much As You Can.


The first thing you should do is fill out every single section on your LinkedIn business page. It might seem small, but pages that have fully completed information get almost 3x more views per week. The more information and content on your page, the more chances you have of receiving visitors. 

Make sure your company page includes: 

  • Your business’s address. If your company has operations around the world, include the address of your global headquarters. 
  • The industry you’re in. 
  • The URL of your website so people can easily find it and click on it. 
  • The size of your company. This gives people an idea of how many employees you have, and if you are a small business you can especially highlight that fact. 

Ensure that all of this information is kept up to date. 

2.) Make Use of Your Profile Picture and Background Image. 

The first thing that people will see about your company on LinkedIn is your page’s profile image. Don’t put in a picture of yourself even if you are the business’s owner. Instead, use the same company logo that you have on all your social media channels. Simply resize your existing logo to fit LinkedIn’s profile image requirements at 300 x 300 pixels and PNG format. 

When people are on your company’s actual page, they will also see your profile banner, or background image. LinkedIn provides a default for this background, but it’s valuable space for you to provide more information about your brand. Use Canva to create a customized background that really showcases your business. 

3.) Get Creative and Engaging with Your “About Me” Section. 

Once you’ve created a profile picture and banner that support your brand, reel your audience in with a well-crafted “About Me” section. As a business page, this section will really be more “About Us,” but is still a great opportunity to get the reader interested. You have up to 2,000 characters to provide everything you would like people to know about your business. 

The “About Us” section on your LinkedIn Business page should answer six key questions

  • Who you are. 
  • What you have to offer.
  • Company values. 
  • Your brand voice.
  • Where you are based.
  • How people can contact you to find out more.

Aim to describe the main scope of your products and services, while also providing a snapshot of what makes your business unique. 

4.) Customize your LinkedIn Business Page’s URL. 

When you first create your page, you’ll get a standard URL, but LinkedIn provides the opportunity to customize it. This is highly worth it, as changing the URL is easy and you can make it more closely match your original website’s URL. 

Just keep in mind that LinkedIn only allows you to change your URL about once a month. Once you drop a URL, someone else can claim it after a year. Make sure you are confident about your choice and that there are no errors in the URL you establish. 

5.) Add Hashtags to Follow Certain Communities.Hashtags-on-linkedin

You’re able to choose up to three hashtags for your business page to follow. This allows you to enter certain feeds that are topic-based and engage by reacting or commenting. For example, a marketing company might follow the hashtags #creativity, #digitalmarketing, and #socialmedia.

Choosing hashtags means that your company can engage with that topic’s community. It also provides an opportunity to provide further information to readers: What does your company stay up to date with, and which topics does it care the most about? Select your hashtags carefully, but remember that you can change them whenever you’d like. 

6.) Highlight different aspects of your company with Showcase Pages. 

LinkedIn provides the opportunity to create Showcase Pages, which help you highlight your company’s culture or different aspects to your brand. These are specialty pages that focus on a single topic, and people are able to follow individual pages. Create one to promote an upcoming product, celebrate an employee’s accomplishments, or provide more in-depth content on something your company specializes in. 

For example, Amazon’s ShowCase pages include separate pages for Amazon Music, Amazon Pay, and Amazon Services. People can learn more about each of these aspects that all are an essential part to Amazon’s overall business. 

You can create up to ten Showcase Pages. Make sure that you consistently update them with new videos, articles, or other content that followers will receive value from. It’s another way to get your company discovered and connect with an audience. 

7.) Ask Employees to Engage with Your LinkedIn Business Page. 


On top of Showcase Pages, you’ll also have the opportunity to create a Career Page. Here, you can highlight what it’s like to be an employee and promote other aspects of your culture. Not only can you increase recruitment efforts, but you can also invite employees to write an article or create a video for your Career Page to show that you value their perspectives. 

Beneficial features of a Career Page include:

  • Creating a section that allows people to “meet the team.” 
  • Sharing personal employee testimonials. 
  • Listing languages that are spoken at your business. 
  • Tracking analytics so you can find key areas for improvement in your hiring process.

8.) Optimize your LinkedIn Business Page. 

Just like other content you produce for your business (on your personal blog, your company’s website, etc.) it helps to optimize your LinkedIn page to show highly in search results. Sprinkle relevant keywords from your industry throughout your LinkedIn business page to improve its search visibility. Some great places to add keywords are: 

  • In the “About Us” section. 
  • Showcase pages. 
  • Your career pages. 
  • The headline that’s beside your page’s profile image. 

Using keywords in your industry will help you come up in search results even if someone doesn’t know the name of your company. They might be looking for specific products, or even researching company culture. There are lots of ways you can ensure people are able to find you. 

9.) Stay Up to Date and Consistent with Your Content.

Once you’ve fully created your LinkedIn business page and you feel like you have done everything there is to do, don’t stop there. Managing your page will require consistent work. This ensures that it continues to show up in search results and provides readers the information they are looking for. 

Best practices for maintaining content on your LinkedIn business page include: 

  • Consistent posting. Provide your readers with fresh, valuable information so they keep returning to your page. 
  • Have call-to-action buttons. Include a CTA in your background image and throughout your page. This gives people a direct way to take action on your services or special offers if they are interested. 
  • Include images. This helps break up the content and provides a deeper view into your branding or life in the day of an employee. 
  • Take advantage of LinkedIn’s analytics. LinkedIn allows you to see what kind of content viewers engage with the most, as well as the professional traits of the people who visit your page. Monitor these analytics to tailor your content. 

10.) Keep an Eye Out for Ways to Improve. 

LinkedIn is constantly adding new features to its platform. Stay up to date with these, as they can increase a company page’s ability to engage. Sometimes LinkedIn tests features that are only available for a limited time. 

In addition to this, every year LinkedIn publishes a list of the top pages that companies create on the platform. Take a look at each one of these and study how they are successful. You might find some tips that you can apply to your own company page.

LinkedIn-for-businesses-www.infinitymgroup.comUsing Your LinkedIn Business Page to Connect

Your company’s LinkedIn page provides the perfect opportunity to branch out to a wider audience. Take advantage of all your page has to offer, and optimize your content so it shows up in search results. With every possible section of your business page filled out and consistently updated, viewers will get all the information they need to know. 

If you need to build your LinkedIn messaging, Infinity Marketing Group can help you leverage the platform to increase engagement and drive leads.

J.C. GrangerTen Tips for Creating & Optimizing Your LinkedIn Business Page

How to Write a High-Converting LinkedIn Headline

When you first create a LinkedIn profile, chances are you’re mainly focused on filling out your previous experience and connecting with as many people as possible. Once you’ve worked on your profile, however, don’t forget that there are many useful features to the platform to take advantage of. By maximizing every aspect of LinkedIn you can ensure that people can easily find you and that they’ll be captivated by your professional value. For example, consider the LinkedIn headline. 

A commonly forgotten aspect of LinkedIn is your headline, the description that comes after your name. LinkedIn provides 220 characters in its headline and there are ways you can leverage this space to stand out. It’s an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself, share your value, and encourage people to click on your profile to find out more.  

How Important is a Great LinkedIn Headline?


Even though it’s tempting to spend all of your time crafting the perfect “About Me” section and listing out your extensive experience, this all may be going to waste if your headline doesn’t grab attention first. Alongside your profile picture, your LinkedIn headline is your best bet to making a great first impression to recruiters, peers, and customers alike. 

Your headline is the aspect to your profile that will be seen the most, since it:

  • Is put at the very top of your LinkedIn profile 
  • Is listed on LinkedIn job applications
  • Appears when you post in your newsfeed
  • Helps you come up in search results

Since you have 220 characters, there is plenty of space to add a creative description in your headline to explain not only your job position, but also what you have to offer and what makes you unique. This will help increase the visibility of your profile so you generate leads and connect with more people. 

Common Mistakes People Make in Their LinkedIn Headline 

While your headline offers plenty of opportunities, utilize it wisely. There are a few mistakes that people commonly make as they change their headline (or don’t change it at all). These mistakes will make it harder for you to show up in search results or achieve organic connections. 

Leaving the Headline on Default 

The first mistake people make is simply leaving their headline as it is. LinkedIn automatically provides a default: your current job title and employer. Your headline may look like this: 

  • Sales Representative at John’s Package Store 
  • B2B Marketing Specialist at Imagine Marketing 
  • Senior Account Manager at Creative Film Supplies

While there is nothing wrong with wanting to tell people your position and where you work (especially if you’re very proud of it), there’s a lot of empty space in your headline that you could be taking advantage of. You can still provide your job title and include something after it–the main mistake people make with their headline is not adding anything to it at all. 

Leverage your LinkedIn network with Infinity Marketing Group’s LinkedIn marketing service. Learn more here or contact them at info@infinitymgroup.com or at (303) 834-7344 today. 

Leaving out Keywords for a Position or Industry 

Your LinkedIn headline provides a great opportunity to incorporate keywords so you show up in search results; LinkedIn functions as a search engine and will provide relevant results when people type words into the search box. Profiles that show at the top of results have these words throughout their profile and in certain areas such as the headline. 

The more keywords you have, the more times you will appear for different things. For example, the Sales Representative at John’s Package Store will show up in search results for “sales” and “representative,” and if anyone is looking for that specific company, but not for much else. 

A key trick is to include the necessary skills for your position or industry in your headline. A sales representative can mention their years of customer service or their success in closing leads. The more that is in the headline, the more chances they have to be found. 

As your skills change over time and you move into higher positions that give you more in-depth responsibilities, you can consistently update your headline. If you are looking for new opportunities, include skills you already have or important terms from your educational background. Don’t simply write “seeking opportunities” or “looking to connect” in your headline, because no one searches for those keywords. 

The Two Steps to a High-Converting LinkedIn Headline 

Great LinkedIn headlines can be broken down into two main parts: keywords, and a short description of the unique value you bring to companies or customers. You have 220 characters to list hard skills you have that are common to your industry, describe specializations, and even invite people to connect. 

Incorporate Keywords from Your Industry 

Try to include about a half dozen keywords in your headline that provide an overview of your position. You can put these in first, or sprinkle them naturally throughout your description. 

If you’re unsure what to include, take a look at the job descriptions for your position. Even if you’re searching for your next role, you can find descriptions of your dream job and include keywords that apply to what you’ve done so far. For example, sales representatives can include keywords such as: 

  • CRM 
  • Outbound calls
  • Inside sales 
  • High volume
  • Relationship management

So a sales representative headline may look something like: “Sales representative at John’s Package Store, experienced in customer relationship management and inside sales. Expertly handles a high volume of outbound calls.” Now the headline will appear in search results in several different ways. 

While keywords are a great place to start, they are just the beginning to crafting a successful LinkedIn headline.

Illustrate Your Value linkedin-headline-www.infinitymgroup.com

Don’t just stuff your headline with keywords–make sure you cohesively present what you will be bringing to the table. Illustrate what you have to offer with results or metrics you’ve achieved in the past. Some numbers to include are your user or customer base, number of years in experience, and quotas you met or exceeded. 

The sales representative’s headline from above can be expanded to illustrate their value: “Sales representative at John’s Package Store, 12+ years CRM and inside sales experience | Expert in handling a high volume of outbound calls and closing deals.” 

Not only will this show up in several different search results, but you also get much more information than you would from just “sales representative.” With longer descriptions, you can use a line or slash to break up your key points and make your headline easier to read. 

Using a Call to Action 

If you’re an entrepreneur or leader in your field and you would like to be found by potential prospects, you can further utilize your headline space to encourage people to take action on the services you offer. Focus on the unique value you, and only you, have. Get the reader interested, and direct them to where they may find more information by including a call to action (CTA). 

While this doesn’t involve as many keywords, it is another opportunity to use your headline and provides a way to grab interest. Useful CTAs in LinkedIn headlines include: 

  • “Check out my new ebook.”
  • “Let’s talk! Info below.” 
  • “Sign up for my next webinar!” 

Put your call to action at the end of your headline. This way, you describe who you are and what you offer, then provide readers a way to get further information. Typically it directs them to your LinkedIn profile or your own website. 

Want to convert your LinkedIn network into a business pipeline? Infinity Marketing Group’s done-for-you LinkedIn service delivers warm leads right to your sales team. Contact us at (303) 834-7344 or at info@infinitymgroup.com to learn more. 

Examples of Effective Headlines 

You have a lot of options for creating your own LinkedIn headline. The following examples illustrate the different ways you can incorporate keywords, provide value, and include a call to action. 

1.) Marketing Specialist at Star Marketing | B2B copywriting and content optimization | Digital strategy | WordPress and Adobe Creative Cloud

This headline focuses on keywords that help expand on the person’s position, which is listed first. The reader gets a quick rundown of the person’s specific skill set and which software programs they are familiar with. 

2.) Sales Manager | 20+ years | Contact me to see how I can reduce the amount of time your reps spend on qualifying leads

Rather than showcasing the company they work at or their personal hard skills, this headline focuses on the value the person is able to bring. It ends with an effective CTA. 

3.) Customer Success | Team Management | Problem Identifier | Senior Account Manager 

This headline bumps the person’s position to the very end, and provides relevant keywords first. This adds context and helps this person appear for specific search queries. 

4.) Executive experienced in marketing and customer analysis | Dedicated to developing a solutions-based approach for top companies 

This one is great for someone who has been in their field for a long time and may already have a lot of connections. They bring the focus on their passion, and explain what they can do for companies. 

5.) SaaS | Product management | Technology and analytics | Graduate, Sorrell College of Business 

This is a great headline for someone who has just graduated from college or is otherwise looking for new opportunities. Putting keywords and their area of expertise first, then leading up to the fact that they have a business degree, is much more beneficial than simply saying they are job seeking. 

Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage


A specialized LinkedIn headline provides many benefits. By putting in keywords and expressing your value–and simply changing your headline in the first place–you’ll stand out among the crowd. Take advantage of your headline to come up in more search results and to pursue more opportunities for connection. 

There’s even more to LinkedIn that you can leverage to expand your network and discover prospects. Infinity Marketing Group helps you drive leads and maximize other opportunities on LinkedIn so you can successfully use the platform for all it has to offer. Contact us today at info@infinitymgroup.com or at (303) 834-7344. 

J.C. GrangerHow to Write a High-Converting LinkedIn Headline

Top 15 Email Marketing Questions Answered

Email marketing can be confusing and intimidating. When done correctly, however, email marketing connects your business to customers and boosts sales. From growing a subscriber list to best practices, we’ve answered the most common email marketing questions to help you develop a successful strategy. 

1.) Why is Email Marketing Essential? 15-email-marketing-questions-answered-www.infinitymgroup.com

Even with the rise of social media, emails remain the best way to reach a large number of people directly–an email campaign connects with three times more people than Twitter and Facebook combined. Unlike creating a blog or posting on Facebook, sending an email allows you to ensure that many customers see your content, even if it is just the subject line and name of your business. 

On top of that, you’ll be able to release timely content, create highly targeted messaging, and monitor your campaigns. It’s easier to measure the performance of emails, and you can make small changes to increase engagement. Having an email marketing strategy is essential no matter your industry. 

2.) How Can I Tell if my Email Marketing Strategy is Successful?

The best way to tell whether your strategy is improving your business is to establish clear goals and keep careful track of the performance of email campaigns. What is your email marketing goal – to boost sales? To drive more traffic to specific landing pages on your website? Determining your end goals will help you build a successful strategy. 

Then, there are common email marketing metrics you can use to determine how your campaign is performing. Two of the most important metrics are: 

  • Open rate: The number of people who open a specific email out of the total number of subscribers you sent it to. 
  • Click-through rate: The number of times a link within your email is clicked on out of the total number of subscribers the email was sent to. 

3.) What’s Considered a Good Open Rate and Click-Through Rate?

It’s helpful to know the numbers you should be aiming for. According to Mailchimp, the email open rate on average across all industries is 21.33%, and the click rate on average across all industries is 2.62%. You can also conduct research on your specific industry to find averages for companies like yours, which will provide a useful baseline. 

These numbers also help you set realistic goals; some opens at all may be a great achievement if you are just getting started. It all depends on how you and your team measure success. 

The email experts at Infinity Marketing Group help B2B tech companies build their email list and increase engagement through successful email campaigns. Contact them at info@infinitymgroup.com or at (303) 834-7344 to learn more today! 

4.) How Do I Get Potential Customers to Open My Emails? email-marketing-questions-www.infinitymgroup.com

To ensure your emails are opened, offer the type of content your customers are most likely going to be interested in reading. One of the best practices to email marketing is to fully understand your audience–what type of deals are they looking for? How often will they be making a purchase from you? Familiarizing yourself is the first step to crafting engaging and timely content. 

You also need to ensure you grab people’s attention in the first place with an intriguing subject line that’s eye-catching and encouraging. 

5.) How Do I Craft a Great Email Subject Line? 

Writing a great email subject line is easy once you fully understand your customers and you’re knowledgeable about subject line best practices, such as: 

  • Your line should be 50 characters or less, and a general rule of thumb is to aim for 10 words or less. 
  • Include numbers and lists to promise a quick read. 
  • Tap into customer’s emotions; create a sense that time is running out on certain deals, or promise exclusive content that only certain people will gain access to. 
  • Ask questions to open a dialogue.
  • Use punctuation and emojis to catch attention–but only one or two at a time

6.) How Do I Get People to Click On Links I’ve Put Into My Email? 

An effective method to encourage subscribers to click on content in your email is to include CTAs (calls to action). These are quick, simple instructions that provide readers the next step and explicitly describe the action they should take, such as “Click Here,” or “Shop Now!” CTAs clear up confusion and add urgency to any exclusive or intriguing offers you are providing. 

7.) Are There Any Other Email Marketing Metrics I Need to Know? tips-for-email-marketing-www.infinitymgroup.com

A combination of email marketing metrics will help you set goals and truly measure whether your strategy is working well for your business. Foundational email marketing metrics include: 

  • The acceptance rate, or rate of email deliverability. This is the rate of an email being successfully delivered to a person’s email address. Sometimes emails are bounced (rejected) by servers. Other times, people delete the email address they originally used to sign up. 
  • Spam reports: This is how many times people who received your emails marked them as spam or junk mail. 
  • Unsubscribes: How often recipients ended up unsubscribing from your list completely. 

Your email marketing strategy will likely involve several metrics. For example, you might aim for a high open rate and a low amount of spam reports. 

8.) How Often Should I Email My Whole List? 

While the frequency of your emails will depend on a number of factors, a general rule of thumb is that sending too many will cause your readers to unsubscribe. The trick is to figure out what “too many” is for your business, and to find your email marketing strategy’s sweet spot. 

It’s a safe bet that your subscribers will not like daily emails. According to Smart Insights, the average rate of successful email frequency is 1-2 a week. To find your company’s sweet spot, you can run tests and analyze the performance of different frequencies, then continue with the number that brings you close to the metrics you are aiming to achieve. 

9.) Is There A Time and Day I Should be Sending Emails? email-questions-www.infinitymgroup.com

The answer to this question is the same as email frequency – it depends. There is no universal time and day that’s been identified as “making an email campaign successful.”  For example, according to Mailchimp, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2-5 PM is the ideal “send” time best. But a study conducted by Wordstream determined that early mornings on Thursdays were better.

One of the biggest factors for your perfect time and day is whether you are a B2B or B2C business. Take into consideration when your subscribers are likely to see and open your email. For B2B, that’s likely during the workday. Since your specific audience will respond differently, it’s best to conduct experiments and study your own data to determine the best time and day for your business. 

10.) How Can I Test My Emails to See What Works Best? 

People will open emails for different reasons. Most of the time, it’s based on a person’s preference or a particular and immediate need that they have. It is possible for you to run tests on your emails to understand which factors–subject lines, images, content, even layout– work best so your campaign hits the metrics you’re looking for. 

An easy way to accomplish this is to perform an A/B test, a simple experiment that allows you to compare two versions of one variable and determine which is more effective: 

  1. Create two emails that are similar in every way except for one factor (a different subject line, sent at a different time, different email body, even differently-colored call to action buttons).
  2. Send the emails to subscribers who are randomly selected. 
  3. Observe which email performs better according to the goals you’ve established. 

The more you test your emails, the more you’ll come to understand your subscribers’ preferences. It’s a simple but effective way to establish successful email campaigns.  

Want to increase email conversions? The email marketing experts at Infinity Marketing Group help B2B tech companies increase ROI with high-converting email campaigns. Contact them at info@infinitymgroup.com or at (303) 834-7344 to learn more today! 

11.) How Do I Segment My Emails? 

Once you’ve run A/B tests, it is possible to segment your subscriber list so that certain people get certain emails and your marketing is tailored to specific preferences. For example, you’ll be able to send one email in the morning to certain people, and one in the afternoon to others. Breaking it up in this way can boost your overall rates. 

Many email platforms allow you to manually segment subscribers based on specific factors. Interestingly, you could also use an algorithm to tailor your marketing campaign. 

12.) Are There Tricks to Getting More Subscribers? www.infinitymgroup.com-email-tips

Growing a great list of subscribers takes time, and the best method is to grow your list organically. Start with current, past, and potential customers; this will be the largest aspect to your list. Branch out from there and make sure people have chances to sign up for your emails through boxes and other opt-in opportunities on your website and marketing materials. 

Keep in mind that having a large number of subscribers doesn’t automatically mean your email campaigns will be successful. The key is to have the right people on your list–qualified leads who will actually open your emails and click through them. Even a small list of subscribers can be prosperous if those people consistently engage with your content. 

13.) Are There Any Email Marketing Laws I Should Be Aware Of? 

Yes. Your emails do actually need to be in compliance with the law. It may seem intimidating, but these laws were mainly put in place to protect against unsolicited advertising and spam. While each country has its own laws dictating what email marketers can and can’t do, the main law for the U.S. is the CAN-SPAM Act. 

If you are using email marketing for commercial purposes, CAN-SPAM requires that you: 

  • Don’t include deceptive or misleading information in your subject lines and headers.
  • Disclose that your message is an advertisement.
  • Include a valid physical address so recipients can see your location. 
  • Include a link to opt-out in every single email so people are able to unsubscribe.
  • Honor unsubscribe requests in a prompt manner and never email the person again unless they opt back in.

14.) What Are Some Other Email Marketing Best Practices? B2B-email-questions-www.infinitymgroup.com

One of the main best practices is to avoid coming across as spam, but there are other things you can do to ensure your email marketing resonates with your customers: 

  • Keep it short and simple. People get dozens of emails each day and don’t have much time, so try to convey your message as quickly as possible. 
  • Communicate your intentions when asking people to subscribe so they understand what they are signing up for. 
  • Remember that sending too many emails will cause people to unsubscribe. 
  • Personalization is key to engagement, so take your time getting to understand your audience and make sure your emails are tailored to their needs and preferences. 

15.) What Makes an Email “Good”? 

This is another email marketing question where the answer simply depends. What makes an email “good” for your business relies heavily on your own practices and standards. For one company, a good email may be one that performs to the expected metrics. For another company, a good email is one that appeals to their customers and brings a boost in sales. Other companies may value high-quality content that simply teaches subscribers something new. Your own expectations and standards will determine the success of your email marketing. 

Developing Your Email Marketing Strategy for Success

There are no dumb email marketing questions; it’s a complicated business strategy that takes time and practice. Success depends on a variety of factors, and an important takeaway is to test and monitor your campaigns to determine what works the best for your business. Make sure you adhere to best practices and established laws.

If you have further questions about email marketing, contact Infinity Marketing Group at info@infinitymgroup.com or by calling (303) 834-7344 today! 

J.C. GrangerTop 15 Email Marketing Questions Answered

How to Leverage LinkedIn Publishing to Increase Your Authority

Millions of businesses are established on LinkedIn to connect with potential prospects and generate leads. If you aren’t using LinkedIn to post content, however, you’re not taking advantage of all that the networking platform offers. LinkedIn has its own publishing tool that is a powerful feature for connection, which you can use to develop your company’s professional identity.

Whether you post articles weekly or like and comment on other people’s posts, the more active you are on LinkedIn, the more you’ll be rewarded for it. There are many benefits to gain from understanding how LinkedIn can work for you. Leveraging LinkedIn publishing will help expand your engagement with customers and increase your brand’s authority in your field. 

Benefits to Leveraging LinkedIn Publishing 

Increasing Your Authority linkedin-publishing-www.infinitymgroup.com

Publishing high-quality content is a great way to stand out on LinkedIn and provide value to the community. Once you begin to use the publishing platform, your network will view you as an authority. The more content you publish, the more you’ll add to your brand as people become familiar with your business.

You’ll also gain access to another distribution platform for your company’s content. You can reach people you would not otherwise be able to connect with, and LinkedIn allows you to view analytics for each article you create so you can gain insight into how readers are engaging with your posts. By using LinkedIn, you can expand your authority and measure what type of content works best for your business. 

LinkedIn Rewards You for Being Active 

LinkedIn is all about connecting with people. The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more opportunities you have to find new leads and make new connections. Each piece of quality content increases your visibility to other industry experts and potential customers. And it’s not just about posting – any time an article is liked or commented on, this activity is recorded. 

LinkedIn also has advanced search functions that allow users to search for specific keywords. Incorporating keywords into your content will help bring you to the top of these search result pages. If you’re active on the site, the more visible you will be in these search results. This helps set you apart from the thousands of other businesses that currently use the platform. 

With Infinity Marketing Group, you can use LinkedIn to drive warm leads for your business. This done-for-you LinkedIn service is helping B2B companies increase their ROI on the platform. Want to learn more? Contact them today at info@infinitymgroup.com or reach them at (303) 834-7344.

Increased Engagement with Your Content

On LinkedIn, you may find that it’s easier to have people like or comment on your posts than elsewhere (on your personal website’s blog, for instance). That’s because anyone on LinkedIn can see and follow your posts; you can gain engagement outside the limits of your immediate network. The “follow” button allows anyone to stay updated on what you’re posting, so if you publish content on a regular basis, you’ll slowly build up a following. 

Once you’ve published, you can share your article in a status update. Include hashtags in your status; not only does this give readers more of an idea of exactly what the article is about, but people can also follow individual hashtags such as #sales and #creative. Content with those hashtags will automatically appear in their feeds, and it will come up in search results when someone searches for a specific hashtag. This is a great way for you to connect with even more prospects. 

Google Indexes LinkedIn Publisher Posts

The articles you publish on LinkedIn will be indexed by Google, which means that when people search for keywords in Google’s search engine, your LinkedIn post will appear in the results. This is one of the most beneficial features to LinkedIn Publisher, as people don’t have to be logged into the platform in order to see your content. 

This also makes it easier to rank highly in search results. Naturally, a popular and well-established site such as LinkedIn will be listed at the top of a search page. Your business website may not be able to rank as well on its own. In many cases, your post on LinkedIn will appear in search results before your own website, so use Google indexing to your advantage and optimize your content.  

Best Practices for LinkedIn Publishing 

You can write about whatever you want and publish it on LinkedIn, but there are a few tips that will help your content find success on the platform. Keep these best practices in mind as you use the LinkedIn publishing tool: how-to-leverage-LinkedIn-publishing-www.infinitymgroup.com

  • Remain professional. Your personality can come through so your content is genuine and resonates with readers. Remember, however, that LinkedIn is for business professionals. Be yourself, but craft stories and advice that are appropriate for a work setting. 
  • The ultimate goal is to add value. Avoid being overly promotional with your content; instead, provide your reader with new insights and focus on information that will improve the community as a whole. 
  • Ensure your content is tailored for LinkedIn. Be clear and concise with your information, write on timely topics, and make sure the layout is reader-friendly. This includes breaking up your content into smaller chunks or lists so that it is more easily readable. 
  • After you post, remember to engage with your readers and connections. LinkedIn makes it easy to interact with your connections. Reply to comments on your post and ask people to follow you for more updates, news, and tips or tricks. Keep track of which articles tend to be liked or commented on the most. 
  • Stay consistent with your brand. Publishing on LinkedIn requires a few tweaks, but you shouldn’t present content that is completely different than what you otherwise have on the internet. Keep your tone and style consistent with what’s on your business’s website. 

Want the experts to manage your LinkedIn profile? Infinity Marketing Group offers a done-for-you LinkedIn marketing service that drives warm leads to your sales team. Contact them today at info@infinitymgroup.com or reach them at (303) 834-7344.

Types of Content to Post 

Originally, LinkedIn Publishing was intended for long-form articles, but currently, LinkedIn promotes short-form articles as well as other types of media such as videos. Shorter posts are a great way to get started if you are hesitant about creating content on LinkedIn. It’s not easy to put yourself out there online, and the professionalism of LinkedIn can be intimidating. 

Try to think of LinkedIn users simply as people who you want to reach out to. Your content should be professional, but it can be personal, too. Take personal experiences and craft a story about what you learned, positioning your lesson in a way where the reader can relate. If you regularly provide quality and helpful content, people will notice. Eventually, you’ll find what works for your readers and what types of content speaks to your audience effectively. 

Another easy way to start posting on LinkedIn is to create articles that are based on the content you have already published on your website. This is known as “repurposing” content, and it’s a highly useful strategy to take advantage of. 

Using LinkedIn to Recycle Old Content Linkedin-publishing-tips

To truly leverage LinkedIn publishing, use it to repurpose content from your website. Consider LinkedIn as a distribution channel that you can take advantage of to get more eyes on your content and connect with a broader audience. 

When you recycle old content on LinkedIn, be careful; you can’t just copy and paste, you will have to re-spin it. There are a few tricks you can do: 

  • Split a long interview or article from your website into a series of individual posts. 
  • Turn key points of a popular blog post into polls or quotes. 
  • Make an infographic to present crucial information in a new way. 
  • Otherwise, tweak your content to match your LinkedIn audience. 

There are lots of different ways you can repurpose content, but keep in mind that this strategy works best for evergreen content (optimized content that continues to stay relevant). Some other best practices to stay mindful of include:

  • Wait a couple of weeks after the original publishing date to repurpose your content on LinkedIn. 
  • Stay consistent with your established online brand. 
  • Include links to your website in the article so you drive traffic. 
  • If you create a series, link to each one so people can easily read the entire series. 
  • Promote your content multiple times to your network.

Leverage LinkedIn Publishing to Benefit Your Company 

If you are using LinkedIn simply to host your company’s profile, you may be missing out on big opportunities to increase your authority and build a following. By leveraging LinkedIn’s publishing tool, you can create fresh content or repurpose popular content from your own website to gain leads and have more exposure. LinkedIn makes it easy to engage with other people, rewards you for being active, and maximizes your distribution. 

Once you make the most out of your opportunities on LinkedIn, you’ll find that it gets easier and easier to grow your reputation and your audience. Looking for more ways to use LinkedIn publishing to grow your business? Infinity Marketing Group can help you build your messaging to drive leads. Contact us today at info@infinitymgroup.com or call us at (303) 834-7344

J.C. GrangerHow to Leverage LinkedIn Publishing to Increase Your Authority
3 Steps for Inbound Lead Generation



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