


3 Ways Your SaaS Can Utilize Video Marketing Right Now

If you’ve been wondering where you need to up your SaaS Company’s game, there’s been a ton of talk this week about video marketing. Did you hear that LinkedIn is the latest to jump on the live streaming content bandwagon? Although some think they are late to the game, I think they’ve been smart to wait. This is going to be huge for their channel and guess what? It could be huge for your company too. If you’re looking for creative inspiration on how to include video in your SaaS company’s marketing strategy here’s what you need to know.

It’s No Longer Okay to Overlook Video Content

One of the best B2B content strategies in the past has creating webinars, white papers, eBooks, website content that you then host on your website. You upload the content, share the links on social media and cross your fingers that it hopefully drive tons of organic traffic back to your site. From there the goal is to have people love what you are doing, and then you can convert that traffic into leads.

Don’t get me wrong; this strategy can still work. But we all know social referrals have been slowly declining but know it’s not because people aren’t using social media. The truth is your social traffic may be dropping off for a couple of reasons:

  1. There’s just much more competition and noise out there than ever before.
  2. Social networks like Facebook are focusing more on keeping people on their platforms rather than sending them elsewhere.

Just like I mentioned in this video, you cannot be complacent with your strategy. If you want to continue to thrive as a company, you need to adapt your strategy regularly. One way to make sure you’re always funneling people towards what you offer is to develop content that becomes highly engaging by making human connections. The best way to do this is through highly performing visual content like videos and screencasts.

Making a Human Connection is the Direction of Marketing

Since none of us have time to individually have conversations with the thousands of people that may be following us, one way to do this is by learning to maximize your businesses online video strategy. Those smartphones do more than play Candy Crush! Your phone’s camera can be a powerful tool for connecting with people through video messaging of all types.
According to a survey last Spring by LinkedIn, “62% of B2Bs find that video content builds more brand awareness”. The survey also agreed that video engagement helps them identify higher-quality leads (78%) and drives more leads overall in fact 57% of them. Those numbers are proof that video can’t be overlooked.

Here’s three ways you can kick start your video content strategy.

Product Tutorials

You can create screencasts by recording your computer screen and then narrating what you’re doing really easily. If you hate being on camera, this is the perfect video option. You can show off how a feature works, show them something cool you’ve done with the software or walk them through a new feature that’s coming out to get them excited.

Live Webinars/Demos Into Clips

In the past, I’ve talked about how to take your rockstar moments from your demos and make them work for you through ads and featured content opportunities. Focusing on highlights from your webinar or teasing the webinar your hosting with a clip of you talking about all the coolness that’s going to happen is a great way to connect with people. They can be under a minute and be wildly effective. Plus all you need is your phone and some great lighting to make one.

Showcase Who You Are

You don’t have to always focus on sharing educational video clips or pushing your demo on your social media channels. Don’t be afraid to be entertaining. Content that makes your audience laugh drives up your engagement levels easily so don’t be scared to show them who you are.

Make Demo Videos

These are probably the most popular form of video marketing for SaaS, and for good reason. People best understand the benefits they can receive from tools when they’re explained visually. Try to explain to explain to someone how a screwdriver works without demonstrating it to them. Sure, you can teach them with only your words, but it’s so much more effective when you can demonstrate it. These kind of videos capitalize on that idea to make abstract concepts a tangible reality.

Show Off Case Studies and Testimonials

These videos are some of the most straightforward applications of SaaS video marketing. They give your organization a chance to show off how your product has helped people in the real world.

This is your opportunity to craft a story- we love the before and after idea so much because we’re drawn to stories. If you’re able to provide a narrative of what people’s pain points were before your product and how your solution has improved their lives, people will pay attention.

Keep them short- videos should be under three minutes long. Despite our temptation to cover everything in detail, it’s better to keep things concise. People watching don’t care about details, they just want a general idea. Keeping it short will keep people tuned in for longer.

Now that you’ve got the ideas to launch a video marketing strategy, it’s time to create your first video. Drop a link to your finished video in the comments so we can check it out.

J.C. Granger is the CEO of Infinity Marketing Group. Infinity Marketing Group is an inbound marketing agency headquartered in Denver, Colorado that specializes in helping SaaS companies achieve their lead generation goals.

Connect with J.C. on LinkedIn and download his free eBook, “3 Essentials of Inbound Marketing”.

infinityadmin3 Ways Your SaaS Can Utilize Video Marketing Right Now
3 Steps for Inbound Lead Generation



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