

3 Astonishingly “Simpler” Steps to Choosing A Company Name

Today I helped an aspiring entrepreneur come up with the name of her new company.

She showed me a picture of a massive white board that she had brained stormed on and still couldn’t come up with a company name she liked.

Me: “Let’s do a quick exercise. We’re going to come up with 3 words that best describe what you want to offer and I bet when we’re done a name will emerge. First question, who is your target market?”

Her: “Corporations”

Me: “Ok great and what type of company do you want to be? A consultant where you tell them what to do? Or a company that does it all for them?”

Her: “We want to do it all for them”

Me: “So like an agency?”

Her: “Yes, exactly.”

Me: “Ok, and what exactly are you pitching them? What is their benefit?”

Her: “We want to help them spend their charitable money in a way that is not only beneficial to the cause they’re supporting but also helps their brand in return”

Me: “Ok great. So if you could pick only one word from that description that’s the most important, what would it be?”

Her: “I’d say ‘Cause’”

Me: “Ok great. So the 3 words we have is Cause, Corporations and Agency. So how about ‘The Corporate Cause Agency’?”

Her: “Holy crap I love it! My mind is totally blown right now!

**Moral of the story: Break everything down to its simplest parts. You’d be surprised how easy it is to find a solution this way.


Like this article? Want some free advice for your company as well? Email me at Jason@InfinityMgroup.com

J.C. Granger3 Astonishingly “Simpler” Steps to Choosing A Company Name
3 Steps for Inbound Lead Generation



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